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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
  Ducks Unlimited Hosts Junior Duck Stamp Competition at Green Wings Event
Region 5, March 27, 2004
The chairman of Delaware's Chapter of Ducks Unlimited, Tony Senn, along with several other Sussex County DU chapters and volunteers, kicked off the country's largest two-day Ducks Unlimited Green Wings event on March 27-28. The event took place at Owen's Station Sporting Clays in Greenwood, Delaware. Over 2,300 youngsters took part in the event. Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge staff and volunteers joined the festivities, with volunteers setting up a refuge information booth. Refuge staff also organized several waterfowl and shorebird banding demonstrations, which included the deployment and firing of cannon nets and hands on opportunities for kids to hold and band some mallard ducks.

Delaware Governor Ruth Ann Minner was on hand early in the morning to help judge the 2004 Junior Duck Stamp competition. A record number of ?juvenile masterpiece paintings? were entered in the Delaware competition.

An estimated 6,000 people attended the event and a great time was had by thousands of kids, their families, and friends.

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303, jennifer_lapis@fws.gov