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What We Do
    The Signage Foundation for Communication Excellence, Inc. (the Foundation) is a non-profit educational group specializing in educational and informational efforts about on-premise signage and other forms of place-based communication, graphics, and design systems. The Foundation has been in existence since 1994.
Who We Are
    The Board of Directors includes Noel Yarger, President, Jim Groh, Vice President, and Dr. Robert James Claus and Susan L. Claus, Co-Executive Directors. John Lamb is a past director and advisor for the Foundation.
The Functions and Projects of The Signage Foundation
    The primary function of the Foundation is to respect federal law and Constitutional rules, while promoting aesthetics in the business community through signage programs, and attempt to limit unnecessary urban sprawl or deterioration. The Foundation has worked with the American Bar Association on forthcoming papers dealing with the First Amendment and local government, and has funded papers by transportation organizations and industry authors.

    During the first six years following organization, the Foundation, through Jim, Susan, and Thomas Claus has developed signage appraisal methodology for valuing the contributory worth of an on-premise business sign to both its site and the business it advertises. Expanding upon this, Dr. Claus developed and now teaches the 7.5 hour continuing education commercial communication appraisal course, which has been accredited by many states and appraisal organizations as a seminar topic for state certified appraiser continuing education courses.

    In addition, The Foundation is also producing the signage appraisal manual, entitled "The Value of Signs, a Guide for Property Appraisers, Brokers, Legal Professionals, Sign Users, and Municipal Planners" (click to ask us for more information) to show how to appraise street frontage visibilities for incidental on-premise or accessory uses, and primary land use such as outdoor advertising. The manual is due for publishing in October/November 2001. Currently, the Foundation is funding papers on minimum size, height, placement, and lighting for a sign to have readability and conspicuity to avoid signage deficiency problems that can cause traffic safety problems. Other works available can aid and benefit any group looking to study land use planning transportation systems. The Foundation has also supplied considerable information to municipalities wanting to draft or prepare on-premise regulatory guidelines.

    The latest effort of the Foundation to acquaint small business with the value of on-premise signage is the development of an informative, helpful web site about signage co-sponsored by the Foundation with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). Be sure to visit the site; we are sure you will find it a great tool for understanding the value of signage in business and the community.
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