A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

FY 1999 Annual Plan - Volume 1. Objective Performance Plans and Data Quality - February 27, 1998

Annual Performance on Objectives

The Department of Education's Strategic Plan includes four goals and twenty-two objectives, as shown in the framework chart (Exhibit 2). The following section describes our implementation plans for each objective for FY 1999, including key strategies, programs, and performance indicators and performance goals. Since almost all programs in the Department are forward funded, the effects of FY 1999 funding (and in some cases leadership activities and changes in legislation) will not have much effect before FY 2000. Thus many of the performance goals are aimed for the FY 2000 year, rather than FY 1999.

Following the objective plans is a table showing estimated funding (appropriations for programs and for Department salaries and expenses) for the objectives. When a program had multiple functions or components, staff estimated distributions of its funds among the objectives based on knowledge of funding priorities and program components or used information from the most recent evaluation study or performance data on the program. The estimates are provided to show roughly the level of resources supporting a particular objective and double counting is permitted for programs supporting multiple objectives. Building on this initial resource assignment process, strategies to obtain more precise information are under review.

Finally, summary information on the Department's major coordination activities planned for FY 1999 is at the end of this section and a detailed table is provided in Appendix A. The table is organized by the four Strategic Plan goals, showing coordination activities planned for each federal agency.


[Introduction and Overview] [Table of Contents] [Objective 1.1]