A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

FY 1999 Annual Plan - Volume 1. Objective Performance Plans and Data Quality - February 27, 1998

Objective 4.7. All levels of the agency are fully performance-driven.

Context: The Government Performance and Results Act "the Results Act" (GPRA) provides the Department with strong support and guidance for new ways of operating and improving our programs. Its focus on results affects all aspects of an organization and its drafting legislation and regulations, ensuring program quality and financial integrity, conducting employee appraisals and assessment, and measuring program performance and more.

Key strategies for FY 1999

Programs that have evaluation set-asides supporting this objective or authorized to fund evaluations
  • Title I Evaluation
  • Magnet Schools Program
  • Charter Schools Program
  • TRIO Program
  • Vocational Education National Programs
  • IDEA National Activities
  • Adult Education Evaluation and Technical Assistance

Selected performance indicators and charts

Performance indicators in Objective 4.7 identify the extent to which sound performance data are effectively used throughout the agency. These indicators address employee understanding of their contribution to the ED's goals and objective, the existence of adequate performance measurement systems, manager's use of performance data for improvement, and evidence that policy, budget and resource allocation decisions are aligned with ED's strategic priorities.

Employees will recognize the Strategic Plan as meaningful and understand how their work supports achieving the plan's goals and objectives. (Goal 4, indicator 27)

Indicator background and context. Critical to agency performance on this objective is the extent to which employees understand and support and actively work toward achieving the agencies goals and objective. From 1993 to 1996 there has been a 15% increase in reported employee understanding of how the goals and strategies support the mission of the Department. In part this increase may have been due to the development and release of the Department's first Strategic Plan in 1994. Distribution of the Department's 1998-2002 Strategic Plan kicked off implementation efforts that for the 4 year period from 1996 to 2000 should produce at least a similar 15% increase.

Data source. U.S. Department of Education Employee Survey, 1993, 1996.

Verification/validation of performance measures: The Inspector General will provide an independent assessment of the reliability and validity of program performance information. Use and impact of the Education Department's Strategic Plan and the effectiveness of planning operations will be validated through an independent panel composed of noted experts in the planning, evaluation and education field.


[Objective 4.6] [Table of Contents] [Use of tax expenditures]