A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

FY 1999 Annual Plan - Volume 1. Objective Performance Plans and Data Quality - February 27, 1998

Objective 3.2. Postsecondary students receive the financial aid and support services they need to enroll in and complete their educational program.

Context: Progress made toward achievement of Goals 1 and 2 and Objective 3.1 will help ensure that all students are prepared for college. Objective 3.2 is intended to provide the financial and support services these students need to achieve their postsecondary educational objectives.

Key strategies for FY 1999


Programs supporting this objective

Student grants and loans
  • Pell Grants
  • Campus-based programs
  • Federal Family Education Loans
  • Direct Student Loans

Student Fellowships

  • Minority Teacher Recruitment
  • International Education and Foreign Language Studies
  • Byrd Honors Scholarships
  • National Need Graduate Fellowship
Student Support
  • TRIO (Student Support Services and McNair)

Aid to higher education institutions

  • Title III, Strengthening Institutions
  • Howard University

Research, innovation and improvement

  • Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
  • Statistics and Assessment
  • Access and Retention Innovations
  • IDEA: Research and Innovation

Selected performance indicators and charts

The performance indicators included in the Strategic Plan for objective 3.2 relate to expected outcomes of the postsecondary education programs including increasing graduation rates, particularly for low income students, reducing unmet need and debt burden, and ensuring that recipients of the TRIO programs benefit from the services they receive. Indicators relating to the Department's delivery of the postsecondary education programs are included under objective 3.3.

The percentage of borrowers with student loan debt repayments exceeding 10% of their income will remain stable or decline over time. (Goal 3, indicator 6)

Indicator background and context. In general it is believed that educational debt in excess of 10 percent of income will negatively affect a borrower's ability to repay his or her student loan and to obtain other credit.

Continued strong funding support for the Federal Pell Grant and other student aid programs, successful implementation of the Hope Scholarship and Lifetime Learning tax credits, greater availability of flexible repayment options, and better debt counseling for borrowers are expected to prevent any further increases in the percentage of borrowers with student loan debt repayments in excess of 10 percent of their income.

Data source. 1986 and 1990 data, Survey of Recent College Graduates; 1993 data, Baccalaureate and Beyond Study. In the future, the Department will obtain debt burden data for a representative sample of all borrowers, not just recent college graduates.

Graduation rates for all students in four-year and two-year colleges will improve, while the gap in completion rates between low- and high-income and minority and non-minority students will decrease. (Goal 3, indicator 7)

Indicator background and context. Aiding students in completing their postsecondary educations is at least as important as helping them to enroll.

Funding increases for the student aid and support service programs are expected to reduce both financial and non-financial barriers that may prevent students, particularly low income students, from completing their postsecondary educations.

Data source. Beginning Postsecondary Student Study, 1990/94; next update, 2002.

Verification/validation of performance measures: Performance data obtained through independent surveys conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics are subject to strict methodological standards. Data on the performance of the TRIO programs will be verified by comparing information from independent evaluations conducted by the Planning and Evaluation Service with that reported by grantees on their annual performance reports.


[Objective 3.1] [Table of Contents] [Objective 3.3]