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Genera for Family = Liliaceae
109 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol Scientific Name Common Name
AGAPA2 Agapanthus L'Hér. agapanthus
ALETR Aletris L. colicroot
ALLIU Allium L. onion
ALSTR Alstroemeria L. lily of the Incas
AMARY Amaryllis L. amaryllis
AMIAN Amianthium A. Gray amianthium
AMMOC2 Ammocharis Herb. ammocharis
ANDRO4 Androstephium Torr. funnel lily
ARTHR8 Arthropodium R. Br. rock lily
ASPAR Asparagus L. asparagus
ASPHO Asphodelus L. asphodelus
ASTEL Astelia Banks & Sol. ex R. Br. pineapplegrass
BEAUC Beaucarnea Lem. bottle-palm
BLOOM Bloomeria Kellogg goldenstar
BOMAR Bomarea Mirb. bomarea
BRODI Brodiaea Sm. brodiaea
BULBI Bulbine Wolf
CALOC Calochortus Pursh mariposa lily
CAMAS Camassia Lindl. camas
CHAMA6 Chamaelirium Willd. chamaelirium
CHION4 Chionodoxa Boiss. chionodoxa
CHLOR3 Chlorogalum Kunth soapplant
CHLOR5 Chlorophytum Ker Gawl. chlorophytum
CLINT Clintonia Raf. bluebead
CLIVI Clivia Lindl. Kaffir-lily
COLCH Colchicum L. colchicum
CONVA Convallaria L. convallaria
COOPE Cooperia Herbert rainlily
CORDY2 Cordyline Comm. ex R. Br. cordyline
CRINU Crinum L. swamplily
CURCU2 Curculigo Gaertn. curculigo
DASYL Dasylirion Zucc. sotol
DIANE Dianella Lam. dianella
DICHE2 Dichelostemma Kunth snakelily
ECHEA Echeandia Ortega echeandia
EREMO3 Eremocrinum M.E. Jones eremocrinum
ERYTH3 Erythronium L. fawnlily
EUCHA Eucharis Planch. & Linden Amazonlily
FRITI Fritillaria L. fritillary
GAGEA Gagea Salisb. gagea
GALAN Galanthus L. snowdrop
GLORI Gloriosa L. flame lily
HABRA Habranthus Herbert copperlily
HARPE Harperocallis McDaniel harperocallis
HASTI Hastingsia S. Watson rushlily
HELON Helonias L. helonias
HEMER Hemerocallis L. daylily
HESPE3 Hesperocallis A. Gray desert lily
HIPPE Hippeastrum Herbert hippeastrum
HOSTA Hosta Tratt. plantain lily
HYACI Hyacinthoides Medik. hyacinthoides
HYACI2 Hyacinthus L. hyacinth
HYMEN2 Hymenocallis Salisb. spiderlily
HYPOX Hypoxis L. star-grass
KNIPH Kniphofia Moench redhot poker
LACHE Lachenalia J. Jacq. ex Js. Murray lachenalia
LEUCO Leucocrinum Nutt. ex A. Gray starlily
LEUCO2 Leucojum L. snowflake
LILIU Lilium L. lily
LIRIO2 Liriope Lour. lilyturf
LLOYD Lloydia Salisb. ex Rchb. alplily
LOPHI Lophiola Ker Gawl. lophiola
LYCOR Lycoris Herbert lycoris
MAIAN Maianthemum F.H. Wigg. mayflower
MEDEO Medeola L. Indian cucumber
MILLA Milla Cav. milla
MUILL Muilla S. Watson ex Benth. muilla
MUSCA Muscari Mill. grape hyacinth
NARCI Narcissus L. daffodil
NARTH Narthecium Huds. asphodel
NERIN Nerine Herb. nerine
NOLIN Nolina Michx. beargrass
NOTHO2 Nothoscordum Kunth false garlic
ODONT2 Odontostomum Torr. Hartweg's doll's-lily
ONCOS2 Oncostema Raf. oncostema
OPHIO3 Ophiopogon Ker Gawl. ophiopogon
ORNIT Ornithogalum L. star of Bethlehem
PANCR Pancratium L. pancratium
PLEEA Pleea Michx. pleea
PLEOM Pleomele Salisb. hala pepe
POLYG2 Polygonatum Mill. Solomon's seal
PROIP Proiphys Herb.
EURYC Eurycles Salisb., nom. illeg.  
PROSA Prosartes D. Don
SCADO Scadoxus Raf. scadoxus
SCHOE Schoenocaulon A. Gray feathershank
SCHOE3 Schoenolirion Torr. ex Durand sunnybell
SCILL Scilla L. scilla
SCOLI Scoliopus Torr. fetid adderstongue
SPREK Sprekelia Heist. Jacobean Lily
STENA2 Stenanthium (A. Gray) Kunth featherbells
STENO11 Stenomesson Herb. stenomesson
STERN Sternbergia Waldst. & Kit. winter daffodil
STREP3 Streptopus Michx. twistedstalk
TOFIE Tofieldia Huds. tofieldia
TRIAN2 Triantha (Nutt.) Baker
TRICY Tricyrtis Wall. tricyrtis
TRILL Trillium L. trillium
TRIST3 Tristagma Poepp. springstar
TRITE Triteleia Douglas ex Lindl. triteleia
TRITE2 Triteleiopsis Hoover Bajalily
TULBA Tulbaghia L. wild garlic
TULIP Tulipa L. tulip
URGIN Urginea Steinh. liverseed grass
UVULA Uvularia L. bellwort
VERAT Veratrum L. false hellebore
XEROP Xerophyllum Michx. beargrass
ZEPHY Zephyranthes Herbert zephyrlily
ZIGAD Zigadenus Michx. deathcamas


Time Generated: 10/28/2008 05:45 PM MDT