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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


Employment and Training Administration

ETA Press Release: Department of Labor's Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance Receives Vice President Gore's "Hammer Award" [10/28/1996]

For more information call: (202) 219-6871


The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Trade Adjustment Assistance (OTAA), helping workers in companies impacted by trade laws, received Vice President Gore's Hammer Award in Washington, D.C. on October 25, 1996.

"The creative and dedicated OTAA team cut through red tape and streamlined their procedures to provide their customers with better and more efficient re-employment services," said Secretary of Labor Robert B. Reich.

OTAA adapted the "GE workout model" for process improvement as a vehicle for reinvention. Self-managed work groups streamlined several significant work processes, allowing for more staff involvement and control. Staff members assigned workloads, developed performance standards, resolved case problems, and eliminated or revamped their work processes. The applicant processing procedure was consolidated and duplication of services was eliminated.

Customers can now access training quickly, and there is increased flexibility for participation in extended training programs. Investigation procedures were streamlined and a backlog of overdue cases was reduced from over 100 to 0. Staff reduced the average time to process a case from 85 to 48 days. The program also improved the State funding process so that training funds can now get from the Federal level to the States within 3 days instead of 3 - 4 weeks.

OTAA Hammer award winners include the National Office staff and team members from various regions including Philadelphia, Atlanta and Kansas City. National Office, Regional and State staff continue to work in self managed teams to identify program goals and priorities and assign work to achieve those goals. Due to the effort of these associates more workers are getting into training faster and are more satisfied with the service they receive than ever before.

The Hammer Award is a special recognition to teams which have made significant contributions in support of the President's National Performance Review principles of putting customers first, cutting red tape, empowering employees and getting back to basics. More than 500 Hammer Awards have been presented nationally to teams comprised of federal, state and local employees, and citizens who are working to build a better government.


Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.

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