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School Leadership (II-A-5-2151(B))


The School Leadership program is a new discretionary grant program that supports efforts to recruit, retain, and provide training and continuing professional development to principals and assistant principals to create a high-quality school leadership force. As schools are held accountable for increasingly higher academic standards, it is vital to have high-quality principals leading schools. A recent report by the Education Research Service cites studies that find that the one attribute of all high-performing schools is a dedicated and dynamic principal. However, it is anticipated that at least 40 percent of our nation's principals will leave the profession in the next 10 years. Those who do remain will be faced with highly complex responsibilities. The School Leadership Program will help fill the need for high-quality principals by supporting the recruitment and professional development of effective school leaders who guide their teachers and help their students achieve.

How It Works

This program funds competitive awards to high-need local school districts, consortia of high-need school districts, and partnerships of high-need districts, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher education.

Key Requirements

Grantees must carry out activities to recruit, retain, and train principals and assistant principals, through such activities as: (1) providing financial incentives to aspiring new principals, (2) providing stipends to principals who mentor new principals, (3) providing professional development in instructional leadership and management, and (4) providing effective incentives for the recruitment and retention of individuals in other fields who want to become principals.

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Last Modified: 09/14/2007