[NIFL-WOMENLIT:1011] Re: Questions

From: Dana Cooper (d7cooper@hotmail.com)
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 09:54:32 EDT

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From: "Dana Cooper" <d7cooper@hotmail.com>
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Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:1011] Re: Questions
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>From: "Daphne Greenberg" <ALCDGG@langate.gsu.edu>
>Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 15:30:55 -0400 (EDT)
>1. I am very interested in hearing from our significant but silent 
> >listserv members.  Some(?)many(?) of you do not see a place for 
> >discussion of violence in adult literacy classrooms and some of you >have 
>contacted me personally regarding this issue.

I have no problem with this discussion on the listserv,
but I have not personally experienced violence nor has
anyone told me that she is in a violent situation.
I do believe that there is violence against women and that
such violence should be stopped.  When I began volunteer
work, the education coordinator told that me that should
I become aware of "special needs" on the part of my students,
there were resources available.  Fortunately (?!), such
a request has not been made.  I have not seen any visible
signs of abuse so I have assumed that there has not been
any violence against my students.  My silence stems from
inexperience.  I do not know what to say so I listen and
try to learn.

Dana Cooper (d7cooper@hotmail.com)
Volunteer ESL Teacher
Nationalities Services Center
Philadelphia, PA  USA

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