[NIFL-WOMENLIT:804] RE: Feminism

From: Andres Muro (andresm@epcc.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 17:07:14 EDT

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I wanted to bring a "different"  position of feminism. I think that depending on our situation we tend to judge positions and validate them differently. This is important in terms of literacy and the creation of spaces for exploring difference. Participants have presented different views on feminism.  In other words, the way we read the word "feminism" is different for different people. How we read is tied to of hegemony, which Rockhill is trying to subvert.  Once we understand that reading and literacy is an ideological process, we can conceive that texts have different interpretations. Being literate to me is exploring those possible interpretations, validate the ones that bring about justice and question the ones that bring about injustice. 


>>> ALCDGG@langate.gsu.edu 06/20/00 01:23PM >>>
I think that all relationships can or cannot be places where dominant culture rule-it all depends on the individuals involved.  There are heterosexual relationship that are equal and feminist in nature, and there are lesbian relationships that are  unequal, violent, and reflective of dominant culture.
How would you relate all of  this back to literacy, specifically to the topic of adult female learner leadership?

>>> andresm@epcc.edu 06/20 1:34 PM >>>
Rockhill  argues that consciousness and identity are  culturally and ideologically formed by the dominant culture. Rockhill is searching for a space where experience has not yet been colonized by ideology and therefore she can find safety from dominant cultural norms. She argues that one such space may be lesbianism ,where the possibility of resistance may rest. Lesbianism is a space where heterosexism  can be challenge. Heterosexual women can also challenge heterosexism. However, for women who have invested in heterosexuality it could be  emotionally harder and more threatening to adopt a position of resistance. 

>>> tcarman@literacyvolunteers.org 06/20/00 09:57AM >>>
In response to Andres' comment, it strikes me as an odd notion to state that
if a woman rejects male-female unions because of gender inequality issues,
then she her only option is to adopt lesbianism even though she is attracted
to men. One of the major arguments for gay/lesbian rights is that the
lifestyle is not a choice.
Also, if the argument that we live in a society in which ALL its
institutions foster gender inequality is valid, then even an institution of
female-female unions would foster inequality.
A woman who thinks that a male-female union, for them, would result in an
intolerable gender inequality situation, and who is not a lesbian, does have
another alternative. If the point is to resist gender inequality, why not
simply argue for the option of living without a partner? The radical view
Andres recounted just doesn't make any sense to me.

What's your favorite reason to read?  Visit http://www.2000reasons.org! 

Tracy Carman, Communications Specialist
mailto: tcarman@literacyvolunteers.org 

Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc.
635 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203
Tel: (315) 472-0001 ext. 201  Fax: (315) 472-0002

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-womenlit@literacy.nifl.gov 
[mailto:nifl-womenlit@literacy.nifl.gov]On Behalf Of Andres Muro
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 11:10 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:786] Feminism

I guess feminism can emerge and be expressed in both radical and
conservative ways. I have read a radical view of feminism that argues that
we live in a society in which all its institutions foster gender inequality.
The union of men and women is one of those institutions that fosters gender
inequality. Therefore,   radical feminists, even though they may be
attracted to men, must choose lesbianism as a form of resistance to this
gender inequality. Can anyone comment on this?


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