U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans



Mr. Clare Cotton was appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate in 2002 and reappointed in July 2004 to serve a term that expires in September 2007. In 2005, he retired as President of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Massachusetts (AICUM), a position he had held since 1987. In addition, Mr. Cotton has served as chair of the National Association of Independent College and University State Executives and as a director of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. In 1997, he was a U.S. Senate appointee to the eleven-member National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education. From 1977 to 1987, Mr. Cotton served as president of the Boston-Fenway Program, Inc. and, in that decade, working with the City of Boston and Boston Police Department, laid the foundation for the development of Community Policing in Boston. Earlier, he served as Vice President for Government and University Relations at Boston University, Director of European Securities Publications, Inc. in London, and a special writer on The Wall Street Journal. He received his undergraduate degree from Randolph-Macon College and his master's degree from the University of North Carolina where he was a graduate instructor in the Department of Philosophy. Mr. Cotton has received honorary doctorate degrees and distinguished service awards from Randolph-Macon College, Northeastern University, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Mount Ida College, and Becker College, among others.


Mr. Rene A. Drouin was appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate in 2003 and reappointed in July 2006 to serve a three-year term that expires in September 2009. Mr. Drouin is President and Chief Executive Officer of The New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation Network (NHHEAF) which consists of three not-for-profit New Hampshire based organizations: New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation, New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation, and Granite State Management and Resources. Mr. Drouin began his career at The NHHEAF Network in 1978 as manager of the Claims and Recoveries Division of New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation. He was promoted to Vice President in 1986 and President and CEO in 1997. In addition, he was elected President and CEO of Granite State Management and Resources in 1997 and President and CEO of New Hampshire Higher Education Loan Corporation in 1999. Mr. Drouin served as Chairman of the Board of the National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs from 1999-2000. He also served as Chairman of the Council's Program Operations Committee from 1988 to 1990. Mr. Drouin attended New Hampshire Technical Institute and Franklin Pierce College in Concord, New Hampshire. He holds a BA and Master of Business Administration from Kensington University and in May 1986, received a juris doctor degree from LaSalle University.


Mr. Scott A. Giles, Chairperson of the Advisory Committee, was appointed by the Secretary of Education in September 2007 to serve a term that expires in September 2010. He is the Vice President for Policy, Research, and Planning and Assistant Secretary to the Board of Directors at the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). Mr. Giles serves as the chief strategist and policy and public affairs officer for the $1.8 billion state-chartered non-profit created to ensure that all Vermonters have the information and financial resources they need to pursue their educational goals. Prior to joining VSAC, he served as deputy chief of staff to the Committee on Science and a professional staff member to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. In addition, he has served as an associate with Cassidy and Associates, Inc. and from 1982 to 1986 as a special assistant, deputy campaign manager, and legislative assistant, respectively, to Congressman Frank Horton. He is an active member of several professional associations including the Society of Christian Ethics, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, among others, and has served on the board of several community-based organizations. Mr. Giles has received numerous honors such as the Presidential Scholar-St. Lawrence University, the Raven Society of the University of Virginia, and John C. Stennis Congressional Staff Fellow and has presented and/or authored publications related to college access and accountability in higher education. Mr. Giles received his BA degree in Religious Studies from St. Lawrence University and his MA degree from the University of Virginia.


Mr. Allison G. Jones, Vice Chairperson of the Advisory Committee, was appointed by the Secretary of Education in June 2007 and reappointed in July 2008 to serve a term that expires in September 2008. He is the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Student Academic Support in the Office of the Chancellor at California State University (CSU). Mr. Jones coordinates support to 23 campuses at CSU in the areas of K-12 academic outreach, admission, enrollment management, financial aid, educational opportunity programs, student services, student health, transfer services, disabled student services, and remediation. Prior to joining CSU, he served as Director of Financial Aid and Associate Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at the University of Redlands. By California legislative appointment, Mr. Jones serves on the Scholarshare Investment Board, which helps California families save for college. In 2005, Mr. Jones was elected as a Trustee of The College Board and in 2006, he was appointed by Superintendent Jack O'Connell to the P-16 Council, which is charged with examining ways to improve student achievement at all levels and link preschool, elementary, middle, high school, and higher education to create a comprehensive, integrated system of student learning. He joined the California ACT Advisory Council in 2007 and has served as the chair of the governing boards of ASSIST and CAN, two intersegmental organizations designed to encourage and support transfer from California's community colleges to four-year public universities. Mr. Jones received his bachelor and master's degrees from the University of Redlands.


Mr. Darryl A. Marshall was appointed by the Secretary of Education in November 2003 and reappointed in September 2006 to a term that expires in September 2009. Mr. Marshall serves as Director of Student Financial Aid at Florida State University (FSU). From 1985 to 1998, Mr. Marshall held several positions at FSU, such as Financial Aid Specialist, Loans Assistant Director, and Associate Director of Financial Aid. Prior to joining FSU, he served as a Public Assistance Specialist at the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services in Quincy, Florida. Mr. Marshall was recently appointed to a Blue Ribbon Commission on Access and Diversity by the Governor of Florida, which will evaluate issues of minority student enrollment. He is an active member of several professional organizations, including the Florida Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, and the School Advisory Board Student Loan Xpress in San Diego, among others. Mr. Marshall holds a BS degree in political science from Florida A&M University and an MS degree in higher education from FSU.


Mr. Juan O'Connell, was appointed by the Secretary of Education in February 2007 to serve a term that expires in September 2009. He is a fourth-year student at Georgia Institute of Technology majoring in electrical engineering. Mr. O'Connell completed an internship with Schlumberger in the Reservoir Monitoring and Control department in Houma, Louisiana in 2006 and currently serves as the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar Chapter President. He previously served as SHPE Director of Community Outreach, taught adult reading and writing in the public schools system in Guatemala City and worked at the Georgia Tech Library. He has also served as a tutor in Mathematics, specifically, Pre-calculus at the Berkshire Community College Tutoring Center and taught reading and writing to more than 30 illiterate adults at the El Canchon Public School in Guatemala. He has numerous achievements such as the John C. Schafer Memorial Scholarship, Robert O. Arnold Scholarship, The National Dean's List Induction, and is a former member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. Mr. O'Connell completed studies at Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield, MA and a 10-week summer program at Shanghai Jiatong University.


Mr. Joseph A. Russo, the newest member, was appointed by the Secretary of Education in October 2007 to serve a term that expires in September 2010. He currently serves as the director, Student Financial Strategies at the University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame) and was appointed director of financial aid at Notre Dame in 1978 after serving in similar capacities at Le Moyne College and Genesee Community College in upstate New York. Mr. Russo, now in his 42nd year as a financial aid administrator, has served as a consultant to a number of organizations, including the College Board and the U.S. Department of Education, and was the Editor of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators' Journal of Student Financial Aid from 1986 until 2007. He has coauthored two books on student aid for Random House and another book entitled "Student Financial Aid: Lessons for the UK from the US" is being published later this year by The Centre for Higher Education Studies at Oxford. He was a charter member of the NCAA Committee on Financial Aid and Amateurism and serves on the Board of Directors for the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, The Independent 529 Plan, and Scholarship America. In addition, he has testified before the U.S. Senate and the House on major public policy issues related to student aid. In 2004, the College Board inducted him into the College Scholarship Service's Hall of Fame and in the summer of 2006 he served as a fellow at New College of Oxford University as a consultant for higher education pricing and student aid policies for the United Kingdom. He is a graduate of Le Moyne and Syracuse University and was named an honorary alumnus of Notre Dame in 1992.


Mr. Robert M. Shireman was appointed by the Speaker of the House in January 2004 and reappointed in September 2006 to serve a term that expires in September 2009. Mr. Shireman is the Director of The Institute for College Access and Success (TICAS), a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving educational opportunity and achievement by making programs more cost-effective. TICAS developed the launch version of www.CollegeAccessMarketing.org for the Pathways to College Network and is the ongoing sponsor of www.StudentLoanWatch.org and other projects. Mr. Shireman is also a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, Center for Studies in Higher Education. He has served as an advisor to the Aspen Institute, the Stuart Foundation, the Education Trust-West, and others; he has authored articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Chronicle of Higher Education. As a Senior Policy Advisor in the Clinton White House and previously an aide to Senator Paul Simon, Mr. Shireman's accomplishments include helping to engineer reforms of college aid, create the America Reads and GEAR UP programs, and promote Hispanic education investments. Prior to joining the Institute in January 2003, he led the James Irvine Foundation's efforts to improve college access and success in California through campus diversity grants and advocacy efforts. Mr. Shireman holds a BA in economics from the University of California at Berkeley, and master's degrees from Harvard (education) and the University of San Francisco (public administration).




Contact the Committee: ACSFA@ed.gov
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Aid

This page last modified— Oct 3, 2008 (jj).
