State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Supplement for the Supported Employment Services

State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies are required to submit a State Plan describing the manner in which they administrer the VR and Supported Employment programs in their states.

Information Memorandum, IM-08-02 (available in MS Word or PDF format), dated December 17, 2007, transmits the State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services and the Supplement for Supported Employment (SE) Services, along with instructions for completion of the Plan and supplement. The preprint (in MS Word or PDF format) and additional instructions (in MS Word or PDF format) are also available. All FY 2009 State Plans should be submitted to RSA no later than July 1, 2008.

Consistent with Section 101(a)(1)(B) of the Rehabilitation Act (Act), the state is not required to submit any policies, procedures or descriptions related to its State Plan that have been previously approved and demonstrate that the state currently meets the requirements of Title I, Part B, or Title VI, Part B, of the Act. It is the responsibility of the state to determine which previously submitted State Plan materials (preprint assurance options and descriptive attachments) meet or do not meet these requirements. If the state determines that an approved State Plan assurance or description no longer reflects the state's current administration of the VR or SE programs, then the State Plan must be amended accordingly.

State agencies are required to update annually State Plan attachments related to the:

  1. Comprehensive system of personnel development (Section 101(a)(7));
  2. State assessments, estimates, goals and priorities, and reports of progress (Section 101(a)(15));
  3. Innovation and expansion (Section 101(a)(18)); and a description of a state's plans with respect to the distribution of Title VI, Part B funds (Section 625 (b)(3)).

In addition, in accordance with Section 101 (a)(21)(A)(ii)(III) of the Act, the VR State Plan must include a summary of input and recommendations provided by the State Rehabilitation Council (if the VR designated state unit is required to have a Council) together with the unit's response to such input and recommendations, including explanations for the rejection of any Council input or recommendation.

State Agencies are strongly encouraged to submit State Plans electronically, using the transmittal directions provided on pages 3 and 4 of the IM.

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Last Modified: 01/29/2008