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Housing & Community Development Program (HCD)

The King County Consortium Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan for 2005-2009

The "Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan" (Consolidated Plan) guides the investment of approximately $12 million per year in federal housing and community development funds, and an additional $9 million per year in other federal or related state and local funds, to address housing, homeless, and community development needs throughout the King County Consortium over the next five years, from 2005 through 2009.

The King County Consortium includes most of the suburban cities in the county, as well as the unincorporated areas of the county. It does not include the City of Seattle, which prepares its own Consolidated Plan.

The Consolidated Plan contains a needs assessment, an analysis of barriers to meeting needs, a strategic plan that contains broad goals, objectives, strategies and performance measures, 11 appendices and maps.

Download the Executive Summary (pdf).

Download the body of 2005-2009 Consolidated Plan (pdf)
Contains the Executive Summary, the Key Findings and Conclusions: A Summary of the Needs Assessment and Stakeholder/Public Input with Barriers to Meetings Needs, and the Strategic Plan.

Download each Appendix below:

Appendix A: The Needs Assessment (pdf)

    Appendix A Maps (available MS Word documents)
  • Map 1: Persons of Color Concentration and Diversity
  • Map 2: Persons in Poverty
  • Map 3: Areas of Concentration of Poverty and Persons of Color

Appendix B: Stakeholder and Public Input to the 2005 - 2009 Consolidated Plan (pdf)

Appendix C: Consortium and County Efforts to Ameliorate the Negative Effects of the Housing Market on Low- to Moderate-Income Households (pdf)

Appendix D: Public Housing Authorities Located in the Consortium (pdf)

Appendix E: Assisted Housing Inventory (pdf)

    Appendix E Maps (available as MS Word documents)
  • Map 1: King County Housing Authority Properties in the King County Consortium
  • Map 2: Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties in the King County Consortium

Download Appendix F: Lead Paint (pdf)

Download Appendix G: Displacement and Federal Relocation Requirements (pdf)

Download Appendix H: Anti-Poverty Strategy (pdf)

Download Appendix I: Consortium Monitoring Plan (pdf)

Download Appendix J: Citizen Participation Plan (pdf)

Download Appendix K: Public Comment Section (pdf)

Map Appendix of the Consolidated Plan:

Low- to Moderate-Income Households - This set of maps shows block groups in King County Consortium that exceed 45.2% low- to moderate-income households as a percent of total households.

  • Map 1: North and East Urban Sub-Region (pdf)
  • Map 2: East Sub-Region including Duvall, Carnation, Issaquah, Snoqualmie and Unincorporated King County (pdf)
  • Map 3: East Sub-Region including North Bend and Unincorporated King County (pdf)
  • Map 4: East Sub-Region including Skykomish and Unincorporated King County (pdf)
  • Map 5: Vashon Island (pdf)
  • Map 6: South Urban Sub-Region (pdf)
  • Map 7: South Sub-Region including Covington, Maple Valley, Black Diamond, Enumclaw and Unincorporated King County (pdf)
Renters: Low to Moderate-Income Households with Housing Problems and Severe Housing Cost Burden. This set of maps breaks out data for three income levels of renters: very low, low and moderate income, and shows the percentage of renters at each income level that reported housing problems and severe housing cost burden. The data is displayed by city boundary or "census designated place" boundary in unincorporated King County. Maps include definitions.
    Renters Maps (available as MS Word documents)
      Renter Housing Problems

      Renter Severe Housing Cost Burden

Home Owners: Low to Moderate-Income Households with Housing Problems and Severe Housing Cost Burden. This set of maps breaks out data for three income levels of home owners: very low, low and moderate income, and shows the percentage of home owners at each income level that reported housing problems and severe housing cost burden. The data is displayed by city boundary or "census designated place" boundary in unincorporated King County. Maps include definitions.

      Home Owner Housing Problems (available as MS Word documents)

      Home Owner Severe Housing Cost Burden
Housing Stock Maps. This set of maps shows the percentage of rental units affordable to very low-, low- and moderate-income households, and the percentage of ownership units affordable to moderate-income households in the King County Consortium. The data is displayed by city boundary or "census designated place" boundary in unincorporated King County. Maps include definitions.

      Rental Housing Stock (available as MS Word documents)
    • Map 1: Rental stock affordable to very low-income renters
    • Map 2: Rental stock affordable to low-income renters
    • Map 3: Rental stock affordable to moderate-income renters

      Ownership Housing Stock
    • Map 4: Owner housing stock affordable to moderate-income households and below

*pdf NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer to view the Plans and Reports posted as pdf files. For help downloading pdf files see King County PDF Help page. Or we can mail you a print version. If this is your preference please send your request by e-mail to the contact person listed below. In the body of your message indicate your name, mailing address, and the title of the report you are requesting. Or you may contact us by phone during business hours with your request.

Note: For information about accessing documents in pdf format, please see this help page or contact the HCD office to request a copy by mail.

Office Contact Information:

Cheryl Markham, Acting Program Manager
King County Housing and Community Development
401 5th Ave, Suite 500
Seattle, WA 98104

Updated: Aug. 17, 2007


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