[NIFL-WOMENLIT:1071] Choosing a Name for a National Adult Education System

From: David J Rosen (DJRosen@world.std.com)
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 10:56:53 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:1071] Choosing a Name for a National Adult Education System
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NIFL-Womenlit Colleagues,

More than 750 people have responded so far to the Web-based survey to
choose a name for a national system of adult education in the United
States.  I hope that we reach over 1,000 participants by the end of the
survey -- which will run through October 31. Two of the seven names are
neck and neck at the top, so every vote will count.  Over 105 of the
participants are adult learners; that's progress, but we could do
better, I think. 49% so far are teachers, tutors or instructors; 37% are
learning center administrators; 20% are staff developers. All parts of the
country are represented, but the Midwest/Central and Northeast regions are
best represented.  80% of the respondents, reflecting the makeup of
our field, are female.

If you would like to participate in choosing a name, the Web address of
the survey is 


You can go to the Web page any time in October, 2000 and vote for these
names.  This will take only a minute or two.  I hope you will spread this
announcement as widely as possible to as many practitioners, adult 
learners and graduates as possible.  Please note that the only way to have
your vote counted is to go to


It is not possible to count e-mail votes, past votes of any kind, or any
other kinds of votes.  I hope you will do everything possible to make sure
as many adult learners and practitioners get access to the Web to
participate in this survey.

If, before you vote,  you would like to read excerpts from a discussion
about these names, they are archived at


Some or all of these excerpts might be appropriate for discussion among
colleagues or in classes before voting.

David J. Rosen
NLA List Moderator

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