[NIFL-WOMENLIT:1024] Violence Against Women Act -- Update

From: Gullion, Christy (Christy_Gullion@ed.gov)
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 09:28:38 EDT

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The following is an article from National Journal's Congress Daily dated
9/28/00.  I thought you might like to know the status of the VAWA bill.  It
is still unclear as to whether or not they will approved this legislation
before the end of the session next week (Congress voted to extend the
session beyond the deadline of 9/30/00 to next Friday, 10/6/00).

Christy Gullion
Senior Policy Analyst
National Institute for Literacy
202-233-2033 (voice)

National Journal's Congress Daily
Women's Groups Oppose Putting Bankruptcy On VAWA
September 28, 2000

Senate Republican leaders as of late today were continuing to discuss how to
move comprehensive bankruptcy reform legislation, as reports circulated on
Capitol Hill that options under consideration included attaching the
controversial measure to stand-alone legislation reauthorizing the Violence
Against Women Act. The reports, which were neither confirmed nor denied by
Senate Majority Leader Lott's office, are a variation on the Republicans'
trial balloon to put VAWA on the bankruptcy bill as a "sweetener." That plan
was roundly criticized by White House officials, as well as by women's
groups, who today also panned the reverse scenario. An aide to Senate
Judiciary ranking member Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said the idea of amending
VAWA with bankruptcy reform appeared unfeasible, due to Democratic
opposition to the current Republican bankruptcy bill and concern it would
act as a poison pill for VAWA. A Lott spokeswoman declined to comment on the
specific scenario, saying only: "Options are being weighed. We're still
working to get bankruptcy done, but nothing's been finalized."

The National Organization for Women's Legal Defense Education Fund sent a
letter to senators today urging them to move a clean VAWA bill, a version of
which passed the House 415-3 Tuesday. "You must demand that this bill comes
to the Senate floor ... free standing and without harmful riders," wrote
Vice President for Government Relations Patricia Blau Reuss. Senate
Judiciary Administrative, Oversight and the Courts Subcommittee ranking
member Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., today told CongressDaily he still expects
bankruptcy legislation to move this year. Asked in what form, he said Lott
would likely opt to "attach it to something."

Women's groups and abortion rights advocates have criticized the latest
Republican bankruptcy bill as making life more difficult for women and
children and failing to include specific punishments for debtors who have
perpetrated abortion clinic violence. House Republican leaders are said to
have provided assurances to backers of financial "netting" provisions -
among the consensus items contained in the pending bankruptcy bill - that
those will move regardless of the outcome on the underlying measure. The
netting bill, which is supported by the Clinton administration, addresses
insolvent financial institutions. House Majority Leader Armey's office was
unable to provide comment by presstime. - by Pamela Barnett 

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