[NIFL-WOMENLIT:608] Re: X-Posts from NLA, re: Carmen St. John

From: Andres Muro (AndresM@epcc.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 11:41:30 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:608] Re: X-Posts from NLA, re: Carmen St. John
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I would, and we try very hard. It is not easy. Elsa Auerbach wrote a great book called Making Meaning Making Change which axplores this topic.


>>> marthal@open.org 03/25 4:55 pm >>>
Who else besides me would like to work on developing more  of a Freirean
approach to ESL?   Something that would help people question different things.
I will give you some examples of what I have thought about:
        Oregon has a voters' guide
               For something like our ballot initiative for a raise in the
minimum wage explaining the pros and cons and
                        who supports which:  
                        One could ask:  Who signs on for saying NO?
                                Who says NO?  Who says Yes?
                                What is the cost of the ad?
                                What does the Governor say?
                                What do very wealthy people earn in
                                Use one very good paragraph from the
                                        article to read?

                      Name one thing you have learned (in your life)?
                                                (e.g. to ride a bike
                      Who taught you? (my uncle)
                      What skills does it take to ride a bicycle?

                        The idea is Freirean 
                               - not all knowledge comes from the formal setting
                                        e.g. a classroom or teacher
                               - not all skills or technologies are 
                                      well  recognized and appreciated.
At 01:18 PM 3/19/00 -0500, you wrote:
>X-Post #1:
>Carmen St.John Hunter died on March 8th.  Carmen 
>was the principal author of "Adult Illiteracy in the United States" and was
the translator of Paulo Freire's "Pedagogy in Process:  The 
>Letters to Guinea Bissau."  She was an amazing woman.  For those who are
interested, the Philadelphia Enquirer has an obituary at:
>X-Post #2:
>Carman St. John Hunter had the qualities of leadership our field needs
today: sharp analytical, research,  and writing skills; backbone (a
>willingness to stand up for what she believed in); perseverance;
creativity;and a deep understanding of and commitment to adult learners and
>learning.  (She pioneered the concept of participatory literacy education.)
She developed those strengths through many years of work with undereducated
adults in the Third World abroad and here in our own Third Worlds in the U.S.

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