[NIFL-WOMENLIT:595] Re: Intro

From: Marnie Nair (marnienair@hotmail.com)
Date: Thu Mar 23 2000 - 12:54:41 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:595] Re: Intro
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Thanks for the intro. and your earlier response. I too think this is a great 
job that I never knew was out there but...
reading about your staff made me chuckle because I realize how crazy it is 
that I am ONE person charged with starting and running FIVE family literacy 
centers in a total of FIVE domestic violence and family shelters!
I'm looking into work-study students but don't know if this will work out.  
I know it is a crazy set-up but anyone have any thoughts on how one person 
can design five programs in which that clients get enough instruction to 
actually see real benefits?  HELP!

>From: Sylvan Rainwater <sylrain@teleport.com>
>Reply-To: nifl-womenlit@literacy.nifl.gov
>To: Multiple recipients of list <nifl-womenlit@literacy.nifl.gov>
>Subject: [NIFL-WOMENLIT:594] Intro
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:35:52 -0500 (EST)
>I'm really excited to find this list, and happy at the kinds of posts that
>are flooding my mailbox. Thought I'd give what will hopefully be a brief
>introduction to myself.
>I'm working in Clackamas County, Oregon, at an Even Start program 
>with a Head Start Program. We serve low-income Hispanic immigrants with 
>has turned out to be a bilingual program (not exactly designed that way, 
>it seems to be what works for us).
>We offer 3 classrooms 3 mornings a week -- a class for Infants and Toddlers
>(0-3), a Preschool Head Start classrom (3-5), and an Adult Education class
>for parents. I'm the head teacher in the Adult Ed class, and teach ESL and
>computers. We've had a teacher in who is certified to do driver's education
>in Spanish, and my assistant (who is more fluent in Spanish than I am)
>teaches GED and parenting in Spanish, as well as assisting me with ESL. The
>children's classroom teachers also do home visits for all the families 
>a month. These are to provide social services, additional help with any of
>the four components (Adult Ed, Early Childhood Education, Parenting, or 
>[Parent and Child Together]), or whatever the parent determines is needed.
>These visits are planned by the parents.
>I love my work. I graduated from Portland State University in 1995 (at the
>age of 45) with a BA in General Studies, a minor in Linguistics, and a TESL
>certificate. I think I always hoped to find a job like the one I have, but
>didn't quite believe it was possible. It's hard work, very challenging, and
>I am never bored.
>Since we have a morning program, all our students have ended up being 
>Occasionally a man (usually the husband of one of the students) expresses
>interest in coming, and we've even had one or two show up for a short time,
>but the overwhelmingly female-centeredness of the classroom seems to keep
>most of them away (most of them work during the day anyway). We do have one
>man in our program, teaching the Head Start class, and he's wonderful to
>work with, a real asset to our program. He's from Puerto Rico, and is great
>with both moms and kids, and obviously can also connect more easily with 
>fathers as the occasion arises.
>Many years ago I had the privilege of working in a Women's Resource Center
>where we provided services to battered women, among other things. I learned
>a lot then about women's issues. I find that that knowledge has been 
>in what I'm doing now.
>I'm on Spring Break this week, and expect that beginning next week, I will
>be overwhelmed with work again, so you may not hear much from me after this
>for a while. On the other hand, I've said that before, and still had to put
>my .02 in on occasion. So we'll see.
>Sylvan Rainwater . Portland, OR USA . sylrain@teleport.com
>Clackamas County Children's Commission, Even Start Program

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