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Debbie Oliver
Executive Director

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Dear Friends,

It is my pleasure to share some very exciting news with you about our organization. 

As you know, AboutFace USA was founded in 1991 to provide support for those with facial differences and their families.  What began as a small group in Pennsylvania has grown into a truly national organization, reaching out to people all across America.

Over the years we have seen our membership grow and programs expand.  Based upon many accomplishments, we have been fortunate to receive increased recognition and support from the medical community, the media, and from the general public for the great work done by the organization.  More recently, we have made even greater strides; the unions with cleftAdvocate, the Crouzon and Goldenhar Syndrome Support Networks and the Treacher Collins Connection, the annual North American Craniofacial Family Conference, family support and education events throughout the country, annual fundraising events, our cooperative efforts with such celebrities as Montel Williams, Miss USA Crystle Stewart, Carmit Bachar of the Pussycat Dolls, artist Metin Bereketli, and even a local/regional connection to Oprah’s Big Give.

With these many successes, our organizational growth, and so many exciting plans on the horizon now and in the future, our Board of Directors felt that a new name and logo should be chosen to reflect the upbeat, positive, forward movement of the organization.  The name we’ve decided upon is AmeriFace….a new name but the same great organization and people. You can see our new logo at the top of this page.

I want to thank the Pathfinders, the Action Team, the Board of Directors, and of course, our executive director, for their unanimous support of this endeavor.  It is a pleasure and a privilege to work with such a dedicated group.  I also want to thank all of the other organizations with whom we work for their support as we all move ahead together toward a common goal. 

AmeriFace looks forward to many more years of success.


David J. Reisberg, DDS

AmeriFace, formerly  AboutFace USA
PO Box 751112
Las Vegas, NV 89136-1112
24-hours Toll-free: (888) 486-1209
Phone: (702) 769-9264
Fax: (702) 341-5351

Debbie Oliver, Executive Director

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00PM Pacific
Closed Thursday mornings for Staff Development

© 2008 AmeriFace
Site by DebWeb Designs