Help Center Mail Center Home
Process1. When will the site be open for applications?
Process2. What is the application deadline?
Process3. How long will it take to get the funding?
Process4. How do I apply?
Process5. Am I eligible to apply?
ProcessProgram Guidelines
ProcessSWBPI Help

What should I do if I receive an e-mail from SWBPI which I believe is not for me?
Where do I go for help if I have a question that is not there in FAQ's?
My organization is interested in linking directly from our web page to the SWBPI web page. Do you have any requirements or restrictions?

What are the criteria for choosing a jurisdiction for funding?
What makes a jurisdiction eligible for participation?
Will states be eligible for this program if they house arrestees/detainees in a state prison?
We receive funds through the Byrne Block Grants and HIDTA that pay partial salaries for some of our prosecutors. Would we still be eligible for funds through the SWBPI program also?
What types of restrictions are in place with respect to the type or composition of cases eligible for payments?

Will there be any application deadline?
How long will it take to receive payment?
When will the site be open for applications?

What if our jurisdiction contact or banking information changes after we apply?
Is there somewhere I can register now?

Can we apply more than once in a program year?
What type of documentation do we need for the application?
What are the criteria for choosing a jurisdiction for funding?
Do we have to support the eligibility of cases with some certificates?
Who completes the application process?
How do we as a jurisdiction apply?
Will there be any application deadline?
Can we apply for additional funds to cover federally-referred cases from previous years?
Do I need to send a bank re-verification form?
Where do we need to submit the bank verification form?
Our jurisdiction already applied this year but we have additional needs. Can we apply again?

How long will it take to receive payment?
How do we get paid?
What is the lowest and highest limit for payments?
Can we expect additional payments(more than amount requested) this year?
Can we apply for additional funds to cover federally-referred cases from previous years?
Will our jurisdiction be subject to audits or inspections?
Are we restricted in how funds from federal payments may be used by the jurisdiction?
How much will the funding be for our jurisdiction?
If you have trouble accessing this site, please contact us by one of the following means:

Phone: Toll-free (1-866-81-SWBPI) or (1-866-817-9274)
   Toll 1-301-595-0230

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