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ProcessCan we apply more than once in a program year?
ProcessWhat type of documentation do we need for the application?
ProcessWhat are the criteria for choosing a jurisdiction for funding?
ProcessWhat certificates of eligibility are required?
ProcessHow do we as a jurisdiction apply?
ProcessWill previous year's services be reimbursed?
ProcessDo I need to send a bank re-verification form?
ProcessWhere do we submit the bank form?
ProcessMay we apply a second time for additional needs?
Process1. When will the site be open for applications?
Process2. What is the application deadline?
Process3. How long will it take to get the funding?
Process4. How do I apply?
Process5. Am I eligible to apply?
ProcessProgram Guidelines
ProcessSWBPI Help

 SWBPI - Applying For Funds
  Who completes the application process?  
The jurisdictions's CEO or authorized designee.


The Jurisdiction's CEO has the exclusive authority to determine the best means for completing the registration and application process. This may include delegating the responsibility to someone on the CEO's staff, or in one of the jurisdiction's agencies. The county prosecutor's office is the recommended alternative designee.


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If you have trouble accessing this site, please contact us by one of the following means:

Phone: Toll-free (1-866-81-SWBPI) or (1-866-817-9274)
   Toll 1-301-595-0230

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