About Dryden

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Public Tours

National Guard soldiers and wives in front of X-1 display. A regularly-scheduled public tour for individuals, or a group smaller than 15, is available. NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, in partnership with Edwards Air Force Base, provides public tours twice a month. These tours begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at approximately 2:30 p.m.

Image right: Active duty U.S. Army and National Guard soldiers recovering from Iraq war injuries toured NASA Dryden recently. The soldiers, some accompanied by their wives, are currently assigned to the Fort Irwin Warrior Transition Unit at Fort Irwin, Calif.  NASA photo / Tom Tschida

During your visit, you will attend the 90-minute walking tour at NASA and a 90-minute bus tour of the Edwards Air Force Base flight line. You will also be given time to have lunch at the NASA cafeteria, as well as visit the NASA gift shop and the Air Force Flight Test Center Museum.

You can sign up for the public tour by calling 661- 277-3510.

Group Tours

Organized group tours of NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center are offered on weekdays (except for federal holidays, special engagements or Space Shuttle landings), free of charge, at 10:15 a.m. on a "reservation-only" basis.

Group tours Dryden hangar.
  • Reservations must be made no later than three weeks prior to the tour date.
  • All visitors must provide the following information; visitor's full name, date of birth, place of birth, citizenship, state ID or driver's license number and the last six numbers of their social security number.
  • Upon entrance to Edwards Air Force Base you will be required to show current registration, proof of vehicle insurance and photo ID.
  • Students or other youth groups must have one supervising adult for every 10 children. We cannot accommodate groups larger than 65. Children accompanied by adults are welcome at any age.
The group tours begin with a film about our facility and then a walking tour of historical aircraft and displays, as well as current research aircraft. The Lakebed and Shuttle areas may be seen from a distance.
  • The walking portion of the tour is within a controlled-access area, where photography may be permitted. However, there is no flight line photography, so please follow the rules provided by your tour escort and put your cameras away when leaving NASA.
  • For security reasons, the tour group must remain together at all times. Please wear comfortable closed toe shoes and sunscreen. Restrooms are available in building 4825.
If you have questions or would like to schedule an organized group tour, please call 661-276-3460.

Tour guide explains Ikhana aircraft. Image right: Industrial College of the Armed Forces students on a VIP tour receive a briefing on the Ikhana unmanned air vehicle from NASA Dryden pilot Mark Pestana. NASA photo/Tom Tschida.