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1992 National Land Cover Data (NLCD)

1992 NLCD Resources

NLCD 1992 was the first land-cover mapping project with a national (conterminous) scope. No other national land-cover mapping program had ever been undertaken, despite the existence of Landsat TM since 1984. NLCD 1992 provides 21 different land cover classes at the native 30-meter resolution of Landsat TM for the lower 48 states. The target scene acquisition date was 1992, although cloud cover and other factors forced use of scenes from other years because of a lack of useable. Mapping was based on unsupervised clustering and logical modeling using a suite of ancillary data. Mapping methodologies are discussed more fully in Vogelmann et al. (1998)(PDF) (11pp, 2MB, About PDF). NLCD 1992 was completed about December 2000, and is supported by a paper that describes the project and main results (Vogelmann et al. 2001)

NLCD 1992 has likely been the most widely used land-cover dataset in the United States. Its wide use is a fair benchmark of the success of the program. NLCD 1992 has been used in a wide array of applications, including national environmental reporting, climate change, Clean Water Act studies, and biodiversity and conservation assessments. The table below is a short list of research that would not have been possible without NLCD.

Source Date Description Citation
Radeloff et al. 2005 national estimate of wildland-urban interface Ecol. Applications, 15:799-805
Alexander et al. 2004 estimate total phosphorus loads for Mississippi Water Sci. & Tech., 49:1-10
Marshall et al. 2004 changes in Florida climate Monthly Weather Review, 132:28-52
SC DHEC 2004 fecal coliform TMDL, South Carolina http://www.scdhec.net/environment/water/tmdl/
Treves et al. 2004 predict likelihood of wolf predation on livestock Cons. Biology, 18:114-125
Amundson et al. 2003 national assessment of soil disturbance Ecosystems, 6:470-482
DeLiberty, Legates 2003 long-term soil moisture trends in Oklahoma Int. J. of Climatology, 23:1057-1086
Lawler et al. 2003 select conservation sites Ecol. Applications, 13:1762-1772
Mayer, Cameron 2003 estimate changes in breeding bird populations Diversity & Distribution, 9:297-312
Volstad et al. 2003 identify impaired streams in Maryland Env. Mon. & Ass., 84:219-242
Heilman et al. 2002 national assessment of forest fragmentation BioScience, 52:411-422
Heinz Center 2002 national environmental status report http://www.heinzctr.org/
Nolan et al. 2002 estimate groundwater nitrate contamination Env. Sci. & Tech., 36:2138-2145
Riitters et al. 2002 national assessment of forest fragmentation Ecosystems, 5:815-822
Sheeder et al. 2002 estimate atmospheric nitrogen deposition J. Env. Qual., 31:1194-1206
Smith et al. 2002 track environmental impact of small water bodies Sci. Tot. Env., 299:21-36
Durbrow et al. 2001 develop conservation plan for southeast Proc., 2001 Georgia Water Res. Conf.

NLCD 1992 Data

NLCD 1992 Accuracy


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