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SHPPS 2006 Data Files and Documentation
Data User's Guide

SHPPS > Data Files and Documentation

SHPPS 2006 data include 23 questionnaires, 27 data files, and 27 codebooks. Files are grouped by administration level (state, district, school, and classroom) and by component.

File Names

File names include three parts. The first part identifies the component, the second part identifies the level, and the third part indicates the survey year.

Component Part
Health education hlthe
Physical education and activity physed
Health services hlthser
Mental health and social services mental
Healthy and safe school environment env
Nutrition services foodser
Faculty and staff health promotion faculty
Status status
Level Part
State s
District d
School l
Classroom c

The questionnaire and codebook files use the same naming convention but add the words "questionnaire" or "codebook" to the file name.

For example, the files for health education at the state level would be:


Health education file Name
SPSS data hlthes2006.sav
Questionnaire hlthes2006questionnaire.txt
Codebook hlthes2006codebook.rtf

Data Files

The data files are available in:

  • SAS.
  • SPSS.
  • Microsoft Access formats.

The sections below provide information specific to each data format.

SAS Format:

SAS version 7.0 data files. The variables have been formatted and missing values have been defined. A format library has been provided and must be referenced by SAS programs for the datasets to be used. The library is named formats.sas7bcat. For detailed information on using SAS datasets and format libraries, please refer to the documentation provided with your SAS system.

SPSS Format:

SPSS version 9.0 data files. The data have been formatted and missing values have been defined. For detailed information on using SPSS datasets, please refer to the documentation provided with your SPSS system.

Access Format:

Access data files. In some cases, there are too many variables for one Access table. In these instances, the dataset is split into multiple tables. For detailed information on using Access databases, please refer to the documentation provided with your Access software.

Status Files

The status files contain additional information for the component-specific datasets. There are four status files, one for each level (state, district, school, and classroom). The status files contain:

  • Enrollment information for district, school, and classroom data.
  • School type for school and classroom data.
  • Region of country for district, school, and classroom data.
  • Overall weight variable to be used when the datasets are combined across components.

Each status file contains a specific variable that needs to be used to link its associated dataset. For example, to link the state status file with another SHPPS state-level dataset, the variable STCMSID is used.

Level Variable
Classroom CLCMSID


The questionnaires are available in either PDF or txt formats.


The codebooks are available in rich text format (rtf). The codebooks contain the

  • Variable names.*
  • Variable labels.
  • Values.
  • Formatted values.
  • Unweighted counts.

*The first three letters of the variable name identifies the questionnaire. The number at the end of the variable names represents the question number from the associated questionnaire.

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Page last reviewed: August 23, 2007
Page last modified: August 23, 2007
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services