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Agricultural Research Magazine

February 2000 - Vol. 48, No. 2

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Table of Contents

Hydraulic Lifelines for Soil, Water, and People (html) or (pdf)

Holding Back Floodwaters (html) or (pdf)

Crustaceans Can Tell Us To Clean Up Our Act (html) or (pdf)

Fungal Protein Slows Broadleaf Weeds (html) or (pdf)

How Attractive Are You? To Mosquitoes, That Is (html) or (pdf)

Soy Soothes Cellular Circuits (html) or (pdf)

Sunshine Bass Makes a Splash! (html) or (pdf)

Zoonoses! (html) or (pdf)

Biocatalysis: Using Enzymes To Produce New Products (html) or (pdf)

The Nose Knows (html) or (pdf)

Science Update (html) or (pdf)
Gene May Stall Fall Armyworms;
Developing Foods That Promote Health—A Report;
Blueberry Elixir Reverses Age-Related Symptoms;
Homes Opened for Arctic- and Arid-Land Plants;

Last Modified: 01/07/2002
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