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Children's Health Projects

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Regional Administrator Donald S. Welsh speaking at a lead outreach event

Lead Outreach

A health fair arranged by Senator Shirley Kitchen's office Exit EPA Disclaimer was held at the R.W. Brown Community Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Represented at the health fair were:

Free blood lead level screening was conducted and there were workshops relating to asbestos, asthma, lead, and pesticides.

At the Philadelphia Zoo Exit EPA Disclaimer

At the Franklin Institute Exit EPA Disclaimer

Healthier Philadelphia Girl Scout Day

EPA and a number of partners (such as the City of Philadelphia, US Department of Agriculture, and the University of Pennsylvania) have sponsored Environmental Health Days at the Philadelphia Zoo Exit EPA Disclaimer and the Franklin Institute Exit EPA Disclaimer. Thousands of Girl Scouts and their families participated in a variety of interactive activities on lead poisoning, indoor air quality, second-hand smoke and integrated pest management to learn about these issues and earn environmental badges.

Walking to school on Walk to School Day

Walk to School Day

International Walk to School Month Exit EPA Disclaimer is October, the same as Children’s Health Month. To celebrate, EPA co-sponsored a Walk to School Day event at York Elementary School in Lansdale Pennsylvania. This event encouraged walking and biking to school which reduces air pollution and offers respiratory benefits to children.

Migrant children taking off their shoes before entering their house as a way to cut pesticide exposure

Working With a Migrant Community

The Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) conducted a project on Virginia's Eastern Shore called Mi Casa Es Su Casa Exit EPA Disclaimer. Funded by EPA's mid-Atlantic Region, MCN partnered with a local migrant Head Start program to recruit and train 6 "promotores de salud" on children's environmental health issues. These promotores then educated approximately 400 farmworker parents about 4 environmental topics:

  1. lead
  2. pesticides
  3. indoor air quality/asthma triggers, and
  4. water/sanitation

MCN developed an in-home needs assessment and trained the promotores to conduct these assessments. About 76 in-home needs assessments were conducted and education and training were provided as appropriate. The most notable accomplishments through the needs assessment was the gained knowledge and changed practices from the analysis of pre/post test - 63% reported changes in bathing practices and taking off their shoes before entering homes thus minimizing exposures to their children. MCN developed a short video and radio dramas on the subjects: pesticide safety, pest control in the home, water and sanitation, and indoor air quality/asthma triggers. The radio novellas are available on the MCN website Exit EPA Disclaimer.

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