Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet

Music and Graphic Arts Project Examples

Original art, Mongolian Musicians, by Hangai Enkzaya, Age 11.First Peoples' Project
This project links indigenous students around the world with an exchange of ideas, culture and art. People from indigenous groups in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Guatemala, Hungary, Mexico, Thailand and U.S. are currently involved. Each year students produce art work and writing on a specific theme. For instance, the theme for the 2004-2005 exchange was Traditional Food. The theme for 2005-2006 exchange is My Community Past and Present. Another aspect of the project is Humanitarian Effort, an annual fundraising effort to raise money to help support the Karen schools involved in the project.

  • Age Level: 6-18 years old.
  • Timeline/Schedule: Ongoing
  • URL's: http://www.iearn.org.au/fp
  • Contact: Virginia King virginia@iearn.org.au
  • Level of Technology Used: e-mail, WWW, and newsgroups
  • End Product for Student: Art is exchanged physically among schools, placed on the WWW and a publication, "The Meeting Place" is produced
  • Supporting Organization: iEARN-Australia and iEARN-USA
  • Languages: English, Spanish, and others

Global Arts Project: Art Miles
Students, schools, organizations, after school program participants, design and create murals that will be grommeted and seamed together with murals created by children from all over the world. There are twelve themes involved in the project; The Multicultural/Diversity Mile, The Environmental Mile, and The Indigenous People's Mile, Sports Mile, Women's Mile, Fairy Tale Mile, Hollywood Mile, Music Mile, Senior Mile, Peace, Unity and Healing Mile, Mentor's Mile. Children should work together to decide on what theme they want to work on. It is important to let them know that this mural will go on tour in museums and their work will be seen in many countries, on websites, on TV, and in the future in publications and magazines. Ultimately, the idea of their names being included in the Guinness Book is a big thrill for them.

People self portraits in a line.Kids' Space
Kids Gallery. Launched in 1995 with the first participants from the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and Hong Kong, the project now attracts readers from over 150 countries. Students submit original art work to share with other classrooms. Some means of digitizing the art work (flatbed scanner, digital camera, or original digital artwork) is also needed for this project.

  • Age Level: Ages 8-16 years old
  • End Product: Publication on their website
  • Timeline/Schedule: Ongoing
  • Webpage: http://www.kids-space.org
  • Contact: Submit to KidSpace
  • Longevity: Since 1995
  • Languages: English, Japanese, and others

Share Your Music With Me
Share Your Music With Me is a program where students around the world create and compose original pieces of music. Compositions can be vocal, instrumental or a combination. Music can be posted as sound files so we listen to the music or it can be posted as manuscript so other students can perform it. Original music that could be shared both in the written media as well as the performance media.

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Last Modified: 10/28/2008

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