April 29, 2003, Extra Credit
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April 29, 2003
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No Child Left Behind Reading First Grant is "Going to Make a Difference" in Kentucky
The U.S. Department of Education announced yesterday the award of a Reading First grant to Kentucky. The state has been awarded more than $89 million as part of a No Child Left Behind program to help improve children's reading skills. Following are excerpts from the Louisville Courier-Journal's coverage of the announcement:

"'This is huge—it's going to make a difference,' Kentucky Education Commissioner Gene Wilhoit said during a news conference at South Louisville's Jacob Elementary attended by local, state and federal officials."

"As many as 70 Kentucky schools are eligible to receive up to $150,000 annually as part of the Reading First initiative. The funding will target kindergarten through third grade students in low income schools with below average reading scores. Schools must use scientifically researched instruction methods and show progress after three years, or lose the funds."

"U.S. Rep. Anne Northup, R-3rd, who spoke at yesterday's announcement, said the law would 'make sure what works is what's being applied' for some of the neediest students during a critical phase of development."

"The state also will spend about $2 million of the first year's money to train reading teachers, including sending all K-3 reading and K-12 special-education teachers to five-day institutes on the essential components of reading research."

"'Nothing is more important that learning how to read,' said Eugene Hickok, undersecretary for the department, because it affects all other areas of learning."

The full article is available from the Courier-Journal online archive for a fee.


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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