April 3, 2003, Extra Credit
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April 3, 2003
Past Extra Credits
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Another Milestone for No Child Left Behind
With the conclusion of today's meeting with state education leaders from Minnesota, the Department of Education has reached another milestone in the implementation of President Bush's bipartisan No Child Left Behind law.

Earlier this year, the Department was pleased to announce that every state had submitted an accountability plan for review prior to the January 31, 2003 deadline. As part of the review process, state education officials have been able to meet at length with the Department's senior staff to discuss their plan and explain the unique challenges and issues in their states.

The first of these unprecedented meetings was with Louisiana officials on November 14, 2002. The last meeting is today with Minnesota. A small number of states did not need to meet with officials as their plans had already been approved or the officials felt they had received enough technical assistance.

As of today, seven states have had their accountability plans approved. More plans are expected to gain approval in the coming days and weeks.

Fun Facts:

First State Meeting: — Louisiana (November 14, 2002)

Final State Meeting: — Minnesota (April 3, 2003)

Total Number of Meetings: — 46 (45 states and DC)


About Extra Credit
NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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Last Modified: 08/23/2003

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