March 9, 2004, Extra Credit
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March 9, 2004
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Increasing Parental Involvement In Tennessee

Yesterday's Extra Credit highlighted an article detailing how four Arizona school districts are reaching out to parents. Today's edition features excerpts from a recent Pulaski Citizen article, "Programs, Parent Involvement Are Two Advantages of No Child Left Behind," focusing on how the Giles County school district in Tennessee is encouraging parental involvement and improving education for all children:

"Under the guidelines of NCLB, states must demonstrate 'adequate yearly progress' toward state learning standards for all groups of students—low-income, special education, immigrant, white, black, Hispanic, Native American and Asian...To meet this goal, NCLB requires Title I schools—those that receive federal dollars—to offer extra help to students if the school fails to meet benchmarks for three consecutive years.

"In fact, in a pamphlet sent home earlier this school year, Giles County promises parents they will be notified in the 'event your child's school does not make adequate yearly progress.' Additionally, it states: 'Your child's school will be required to provide supplemental educational services. You will be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of any supplemental educational services provided for your child's school.'

"The good news for Giles County parents and students is, according to Allen Parker, assistant director of schools, supplemental education services are offered and some have been provided for Giles County students for several years. The services are offered even though the six 'target' schools in Giles County have, thus far, failed to reach benchmarks for one year, not three."

"Parental involvement, which can be an enormous factor in promoting student success, is another area encouraged by educators and guaranteed by NCLB. The Giles County Board of Education policy manual includes a parental involvement policy. The policy manual is available for review in all school libraries, principals' offices and the Central Office."

"'Success in today's society requires vision and a high tech education,' [Giles County Director of Schools Tee] Jackson said. It also requires parental involvement and knowledge of programs that are designed to educate all children."

The complete text of this article is available online.


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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