No Child Left Behind: A Toolkit for Teachers
Archived Information


The following publications, bookmarks and brochures are available for free for teachers and parents. Most are available in English and Spanish, and all are available in alternate formats, such as Braille. To order, contact ED Pubs, the U.S. Department of Education's publications distribution center, at or 1-877-4-ED-PUBS. To order online, visit

Publications for Teachers

"Teachers are the heroes of the classroom ... on the front line day after day, week after week, dedicated to meeting the needs of each child in their classroom."

- Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Education

Teaching Our Youngest--A Guide for Preschool Teachers and Child Care and Family Providers: This booklet draws from scientifically based research about what can be done to help children develop their language abilities, increase their knowledge, become familiar with books and other printed materials, learn letters and sounds, recognize numbers and learn to count. Many examples of strategies for teaching these skills are included here. Also included are examples of ways to create an environment in preschool classrooms that will nurture children's natural curiosity and their zest for learning.

Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read: This booklet summarizes for teachers what researchers have discovered about how to teach children to read successfully. It describes the findings of the National Reading Panel Report and provides analysis and discussion in five areas of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and text comprehension. Each section suggests implications for classroom instruction and provides other information.

Tips for Reading Tutors (Brochure): Reading is the basis for learning and school success. While reading is learned primarily in the classroom, many students need extra time and help. Research shows that tutoring is a great way for individuals and groups outside school to support learning. Effective tutoring requires appropriate training and careful planning. This brochure presents some basic tips for reading tutors. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Ready to Read, Ready to Learn: This brochure presents First Lady Laura Bush's education initiatives. It includes section titles such as: Bringing What Works to Parents; The Tools to Teach What Works; Recruiting the Best and Brightest; Strong Teachers, Strong Families, Strong Students.

Failure Is Not An Option (Two-Sided Bookmark): This is No Child Left Behind's guiding principle, with quotations by President George W. Bush and Secretary of Education Rod Paige.

Publications for Teachers and Parents

"There is no more powerful advocate for children than a parent armed with information and options."

- Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Education

Helping Your Child Become a Reader: Other than helping their children to grow up healthy and happy, the most important thing that parents can do is to help them develop their reading skills. This booklet offers pointers on how to build the language skills of young children, from infancy to age 6, and provides numerous activities to boost children's love of reading. It includes a list of typical language accomplishments for different age groups, suggestions for books children will love, and resources for children with reading problems or learning disabilities. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Helping Your Child With Homework: Homework can help children to develop positive study skills and habits, improve their thinking and memory abilities, and encourage them to use time well, learn independently and take responsibility for their work. This booklet helps parents of elementary and middle school students understand why homework is important, and provides suggestions for helping children complete assignments successfully. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Helping Your Preschool Child: How well children will learn and develop and how well they will do in school depends on a number of things, including their health and physical well-being, social and emotional preparation, language skills and general knowledge of the world. This booklet highlights techniques parents can use to encourage their children to develop the skills necessary for success in school and life by focusing on activities that make learning fun. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Helping Your Child Through Early Adolescence: Learning as much as possible about the world of early adolescents is an important step toward helping children through the fascinating, confusing and wonderful years from ages 10 to 14. Based on the latest research in adolescent development and learning, this booklet addresses questions, provides suggestions and tackles issues that parents of young teens generally find most challenging. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen: Just as children must be taught to read and write, solve math problems and understand science concepts and events in history, so must they be guided in developing the qualities of character that are valued by their families and by the communities in which they live. This booklet provides information about the values and skills that make up character and good citizenship and what parents can do to help children develop strong character. It suggests activities that parents and school-aged children can do to put those values to work in their daily lives and tips for working with teachers and schools to ensure that they act together to promote the basic values they want their children to learn and use. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Helping Your Child Learn Mathematics: Our increasingly technological world demands strong skills in math, not only in the workforce but also in every- day life, and these demands will only increase over the lifetimes of our children. The major portion of this booklet is made up of fun activities that parents can use with children from preschool age through grade 5 to strengthen their math skills and build strong, positive attitudes toward math. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Helping Your Child Learn Science: Every day is filled with opportunities to learn science--without expensive chemistry sets or books. Parents don't need degrees in chemistry or physics to help their children learn science. All that is needed is a willingness to observe and learn with them and, above all, to make an effort and take the time to nurture their natural curiosity. This booklet provides parents of children ages 3 through 10 with information, tools and activities they can use in the home and community to help their child develop an interest in the sciences and learn about the world around them. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Helping Your Child Succeed in School: Every child has the power to succeed in school and in life and every parent, family member and caregiver can help. This booklet provides parents with information, tools and activities they can use in the home to help their child develop the skills critical to academic success. (Available in English and Spanish.)

Put Reading First: Helping Your Child Learn to Read: This brochure, designed for parents of young children, describes the kinds of early literacy activities that should take place at school and at home to help children learn to read successfully. It is based on the findings of the National Reading Panel.

Questions Parents Ask About Schools: This publication provides answers to commonly asked questions on topics such as getting ready for school, monitoring school, helping with reading and working with schools and teachers. It is recommended for parents of elementary- and middle-school-aged children who want to help their children learn and succeed. This brochure suggests effective ways parents can support their children's education. The research- based tips in this publication provide both practical guidance and valuable information about a range of topics. (This booklet has both Spanish and English text.)

Reading Tips for Parents (Bookmark): This English/Spanish bookmark is for parents who want to encourage their child to read. It suggests activities to help children become effective readers. The bookmark also provides Web addresses for the U.S. Department of Education, and the Department's toll free number, 1-800-USA-LEARN.

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Last Modified: 12/23/2007

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