Response to an editorial praising President Bush and No Child Left Behind

This letter to the editor by Secretary Rod Paige appeared in The Courier-Post (New Jersey) on October 30, 2003.

Dear Editor:

I read with interest your recent editorial praising President Bush and the bipartisan No Child Left Behind law for insisting that "all students, whether they face educational challenges or not, leave school able to meet minimum educational standards—not lower standards." I couldn't agree more.

Schools in New Jersey that have been identified by the state for improvement now know where to focus their efforts so we can truly make sure that none of our children are being left behind. That's good news for parents, teachers, school leaders, and, most important, students.

New Jersey has also been the recipient of record levels of federal funding for K-12 education. In fact, under No Child Left Behind, federal K-12 spending for New Jersey has already gone up $142 million, or 43 percent. Never before in history has a President invested so much in education.

True reform is never easy. But with a record level of federal investment in education, new options and choices for parents, a focus on scientifically proven methods of instruction, and unprecedented flexibility for state and local officials, the No Child Left Behind law is already helping schools make tremendous progress.


Rod Paige



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Last Modified: 06/14/2006