`No Child' Law Is Working

This letter to the editor by Secretary Rod Paige appeared in The Kansas City Star on July 7, 2003.

Your editorial ("Congress leaves schools behind," Opinion, 6/21) called the No Child Left Behind Act an unfunded mandate. While this may be convenient rhetoric, it is inaccurate.

Despite all the priorities competing for our tax dollars—strengthening our economy, defending our nation, and expanding opportunities for all Americans—the president's budget for next year boosts education funding to $53.1 billion.

Under President Bush's proposed budget for next year, Missouri will receive an estimated $343.4 million to implement No Child Left Behind, a 49.6 percent increase since he took office. Kansas will receive an estimated $178.6 million, a 44.4 percent increase.

Just as important as the amount of spending is how the money is being spent. No Child Left Behind, with its emphasis on programs that have been scientifically proven to work, is utilizing taxpayer dollars more wisely and more effectively than ever before. State and local leaders also have unprecedented flexibility to target federal resources where they are needed most.

In cities, towns, and rural communities across the country, parents, teachers, principals, community leaders, and elected officials have banded together and are using the tools in No Child Left Behind to make sure every child in every public school is learning.

Rod Paige
U.S. Secretary of Education,
Washington, D.C.



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Last Modified: 06/14/2006