Deductive Logic
Repetition Is a Waste

This letter to the editor by appeared in Seattle Times on February 19, 2005.

"The federal siphon" (editorial, Feb. 10) is simply misguided. President Bush's education budget makes an unprecedented commitment to preparing our students for college. The president's new $1.5 billion High School Initiative will ensure every student leaves school ready for the challenges of higher education and the 21st-century work force.

But as we prepare our students for the future, we also must ensure that they inherit a prosperous nation. Our future economic health requires us to exercise fiscal responsibility. We cannot afford to spend taxpayer dollars on programs that merely duplicate the efforts of other programs. By eliminating wasteful repetition, the president's budget frees up billions of dollars and targets them more effectively.

For example, to finance this new investment in high schools, the budget consolidates many smaller programs, including the GEAR UP for college program you mentioned, into a more efficient and flexible $1.5 billion funding stream. Local officials can still opt to direct this money toward GEAR UP if they decide it is the best way to prepare students in their community for college. It is their choice. We just want accountability for ensuring federal funds achieve real results. Our children and taxpayers deserve nothing less.

C. Todd Jones
Associate Deputy Secretary for Budget
U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C.

Last Modified: 06/14/2006