SUPPLEMENTAL RFG/ANTI-DUMPING QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS MAY 30, 1996 REGISTRATION/RECORDKEEPING/REPORTING 1. Question: Refiners, importers and oxygenate blenders of California gasoline that have elected to meet any benzene content, oxygen content or toxics emission reduction standard on average for reformulated gasoline produced through February 29, 1996, must submit reports demonstrating compliance for the 1995 reporting year (any reformulated gasoline produced during 1994 and from January 1, 1995 through December 31, 1995) and for the period from March 1, 1995 through February 29, 1996 (see section 80.81(b)(3)). What value should be put in the reports for the latter averaging period under "reporting year"? Answer: The value "56" should be placed in the reporting year field for reports covering the averaging period from March 1, 1995, through February 29, 1996.