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110th Congress
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Floor Statements
Delegates and the Resident Commissioner to cast votes in the Committee of the Whole
January 24, 2007
District of Columbia and United States Territories Circulating Quarter Dollar Program Act
January 23, 2007
Repealing Certain Laws Pertaining to the Virgin Islands
January 17, 2007
Proposed Rule Regarding the Medicare Program and Revisions to Payment Policies
December 8 , 2006
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility Authorization Act of 2006
September 13, 2006
Speech on the House Floor Concerning the Job Training Improvement Act of 2005
March 2, 2005
Speech on the House Floor Concerning the 88th Anniversary of U.S. Citizenship for Puerto Ricans
March 2, 2005
Watch Video:   Cable   56k     Read Transcipt
Speech on the House Floor Concerning Faith Based Institutions during discussion of the Job Training Improvement Act of 2005
March 2, 2005
Watch Video:   Cable   56k     Read Transcipt