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Our Work - EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) manages programs under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) of 1990. Under these laws, EPA evaluates new and existing chemicals and their risks, and finds ways to prevent or reduce pollution before it gets into the environment. We also manage a variety of environmental stewardship programs that encourage companies to reduce and prevent pollution. Read more basic information.

Design for the Environment
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
Existing Chemicals
Government Programs
Green Building
Green Chemistry
Green Meetings
Green Suppliers Network
High Production Volume
New Chemicals
Pollution Prevention
Sustainable Futures
Voluntary Children's Chem Evaluation


October 16, 2008
The document Wire and Cable Insulation and Jacketing: Life-Cycle Assessments for Selected Applications--Summary is now available on the Design for the Environment Program web site. This document summarizes the results of an evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of resin systems with alternative heat stabilizer formulations used in Category 6, riser-rated communication cable; Category 6, plenum-rated communication cable; and non-metallic-sheathed low-voltage cable. Life-cycle impacts related to energy use, material consumption, air resources, water resources, landfills, human toxicity, and ecological toxicity were assessed.

September 24, 2008
Chemical Assessment and Management Program (ChAMP) - EPA has outlined enhancements to ChAMP, including a reset of the TSCA Inventory and collecting health and safety information on inorganic high-production volume chemicals. Read the speech (PDF) (5 pp., 2.4MB, about PDF) and press release.

September 8, 2008
National Pollution Prevention Week - One of the most important ways to protect the environment is by reducing pollution before it ever gets to the environment. National Pollution Prevention Week is September 15-21, and this year's theme "Pollution Prevention - Where Sustainable Practices Begins" reminds us that preventing pollution is at the heart of sustainability.

September 2, 2008
Lead Test Kit Evaluation - EPA is evaluating the effectiveness of lead test kits by asking vendors to submit test kits for review to ensure fewer false negatives.

August 19, 2008
The new Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Import-Export Web site pulls together into one site a comprehensive presentation of information on TSCA import and export requirements that may apply to various chemicals and circumstances under, among others, TSCA Sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 12 and 13.

July 14, 2008
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) January 2007 – June 2008 Accomplishments Report Released – This web-based report highlights OPPT's expanded efforts to ensure the safety of existing chemicals through the newly created program "ChAMP," and OPPT’s promotion of pollution prevention and environmental stewardship. Other accomplishments include initiating the Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program, issuing a new lead rule to reduce risks of lead poisoning in children, and reaching a milestone in the PFOA Stewardship Program with member companies' first annual progress reports received and made publicly available.

June 24, 2008
2008 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Winners Announced - Five leading researchers have received awards for chemical technology innovations that promote cleaner, cheaper, and smarter chemistry. Developing safer, environmentally friendly chemicals and processes results in reduced waste, safer products, and reduced use of energy and resources. Over the past 13 years, collectively, award-winning technologies have eliminated more than 1.1 billion pounds of hazardous chemicals and solvents, saved over 21 billion gallons of water, and eliminated nearly 400 million pounds of carbon dioxide releases to air.

June 23, 2008
Following review of a TSCA Section 21 petition, EPA is launching a broad effort to gain a greater scientific understanding of the potential health risks of the use of formaldehyde in pressed wood products. Through this process, EPA will develop risk assessments on the potential adverse health effects, evaluate the costs and benefits of possible control technologies and approaches, and determine whether EPA action is needed to address any identified risks.

May 13, 2008
Participate in the Lifecycle Building Challenge 2 (LBC2)Exit EPA Disclaimer, a national competition to develop strategies supporting building deconstruction and material reuse. Everyone is encouraged to enter including students and professionals interested in policy, recycling, design, architecture, engineering, education, and more.

April 21, 2008
New Green Building Approach - EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson announced a new Agency approach to help facilitate the mainstream adoption of green building practices to reduce the environmental and public health impacts of buildings and building-related products.

March 31, 2008
New requirements to protect children from lead-based paint hazards | Comunicado de prensa - Under the new regulations, workers must follow lead-safe work practices during renovation and repair of structures built before 1978.

March 18, 2008
EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson gave the keynote address at the Global Chemical Regulation Conference, attended by more than 300 chemical industry regulatory, environmental and health officials, in Baltimore, Md. The Administrator outlined the Agency's commitments to assess and initiate needed action on existing chemicals produced above 25,000 pounds per year made under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) and discussed several enhancements to EPA's Chemical Assessment and Management Program (ChAMP), a program created to implement SPP commitments.

March 18, 2008
Apply for EPA recognition through the Design for the Environment (DfE) Program's Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative (SDSI). Through this initiative, DfE will recognize environmental leaders who voluntarily commit to using only safer surfactants. Applications must be submitted no later than May 30, 2008. Awards will be presented in late 2008 in Washington, DC.

January 30, 2008
Need help interpreting Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) release data? Try the newly released update of EPA's popular computer-based screening tool, the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI). This tool uses risk factors to put TRI release data into a chronic health context. Use it to examine trends, identify important emissions situations for follow-up, support community-based projects and more.

January 28, 2008
Nanoscale Materials Stewardship Program (NMSP) Launched - The NMSP will encourage submission and development of key scientific information and use of risk management practices for chemical nanoscale materials. Submit your contact information if you are interested in participating in the NMSP.

December 19, 2007
Visit EPA's new Sustainable Futures Web site. The goal of the Sustainable Futures Initiative (SF) is to make new chemicals safer, available faster, and at lower cost. It works by giving chemical developers the same risk-screening models that EPA uses to evaluate new chemicals before they enter the market. The new Web site gives easy access to these models, as well as information on training and graduation, publications and more.

December 18, 2007
CARE Grants and Request for Proposals Announced - Eighteen communities have received cooperative agreement grants to continue improving health and the environment at the local level through the CARE program. EPA also announced the availability of approximately $3 million in cooperative agreement funding through 2008 CARE request for proposals.

December 5, 2007
Accepting nominations - EPA is accepting nominations for the 2008 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards. Self-nominations are expected and must be received by December 31. Read more information on how to enter the Award Competition.

November 19, 2007
EPA has selected three 2007 awardees under the P2 Recognition Project that honors companies for developing innovative chemistry and technologies that further pollution prevention and other environmental goals. The 2007 awardees are BASF Corp., Chisso America, Inc. and Clariant Corp.

November 5, 2007
Federal purchasers, visit EPA's newly-redesigned Web site for Environmentally Preferable Purchasing. Get clear and easy access to federal procurement policies and guidance; information on specific products and services; on-line tools; calculators; publications, case studies, and related Web links. This site can help green vendors, businesses large and small -- and consumers, too.

October 21-27, 2007
National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week - This year's theme, "Protect Our Most Valuable Resource -- Our Children," highlights the importance of educating parents and children about the dangers of lead exposure, especially lead-paint hazards in housing. Lead poisoning prevention activities across the country.

October 5, 2007
EPA Requires Notification Prior to Use of Certain Motor Vehicle Switches - EPA issued a final Significant New Use Rule to require notification to EPA 90 days prior to U.S. manufacture, import, or processing of elemental mercury for use in convenience light switches, anti-lock brake system switches, and active ride control system switches in certain motor vehicles. This will provide EPA the opportunity to evaluate the potential risks of resuming the use of elemental mercury in such switches.

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