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A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Standards and Assessments

Student Achievement and School Accountability Conference
October 2002

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  1. No Child Left Behind: Standards and Assessments
  2. Fulfilling Education Reform's Promise to Our Children
  3. ACCOUNTABILITY: Raise Standards, Raise Hopes
  4. Overview of NCLB Standards and Assessment Requirements
  5. Academic Standards
  6. High Academic Standards for ALL Children
  7. Academic Content Standards
  8. Academic Content Standards (cont.)
  9. Academic Content Standards (cont.)
  10. Student Academic Achievement Standards
  11. Student Academic Achievement Standards (cont.)
  12. Student Academic Achievement Standards (cont.)
  13. Academic Assessments
  14. Assessment Timeline
  15. Assessment Timeline (cont.)
  16. Assessment Timeline (cont.)
  17. State Assessment System
  18. Assessment Types
  19. State and Local Assessments
  20. Local Assessments
  21. Local Assessments (cont.)
  22. Assessments Shall Provide for...
  23. Assessments Shall...
  24. Which Students Must Be Included in State Assessments?
  25. Accommodations for Special Education Students
  26. Alternate Assessments
  27. Out-of-Level Testing
  28. Accommodations for LEP Students
  29. LEP Students and Reading/Language Arts Assessments
  30. Disaggregated Data
  31. When Do Assessments Results for Subgroups Not Have to Be Disaggregated and Reported?
  32. Assessments of English Proficiency
  33. Assessments of English Language Proficiency
  34. English Proficiency Assessments
  35. National Assessment of Educational Progress
  36. NAEP Assessments
  37. NAEP Assessments (cont.)
  38. Federal Funding for Standards and Assessments
  39. Federal Funds for Standards and Assessments
  40. Section 6111 Funds
  41. Other Uses of 6111 Funds
  42. Other Uses of 6111 Funds (cont.)
  43. Section 6112 Funds
  44. Questions?

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