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ESEA Funding Opportunities by Eligible Applicant1

Student Achievement and School Accountability Conference
October 2002

Theme Program Funds Available Who Can Apply?
SEA Title I LEA Non-Title I LEA Non-profit Organization For-Profit Organization Other
Broad School Reform Comprehensive School Reform program (CSR) $235,000,000 for Title I and $75,000,000 for non-Title I-(FIE money)   Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA (FIE money)      
21st Century Learning Centers: academic $1,000,000,000   Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Consortia of LEA's and other organizations
Parental Information and Resource Centers-FIE $40,000,000   Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary    
Smaller Learning Communities $142,189,000   Only High schools: Competitive grant from Secretary Only High schools Competitive grant from Secretary      
Arts in Education $30,000,000 Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Museums, or cultural institutions
Innovative Programs Block Grant $385,000,0002 SEA reserves 15% for reform activities Formula grant from SEA Formula grant from SEA      
Fund for the Improvement of Education (FIE) discretionary $39,049,0003 Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary  
Title I Evaluations A portion of $8,900,000 Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary   Competitive grant from Secretary   Public- private partnerships, Consortia
School Dropout Prevention $10,000,000 Competitive grant from Secretary 6-12 Schools Competitive grant from Secretary 6-12 Schools Competitive grant from Secretary      
Reading Reading First $900,000,000   Only K-3:
Competitive grant from SEA
Only K-3:
Competitive grant from SEA
Early Reading First $75,000,000   Ages 3-5:
Competitive grant from SEA
Ages 3-5:
Competitive grant from SEA
Competitive grant from SEA    
Even Start Family Program $250,000,000   Competitive grant from SEA to partnerships of LEAs and other orgs.   Competitive grant from SEA to partnerships of LEAs and other org. Competitive grant from SEA to partnerships of LEAs and other orgs. Other organizations in partnership with LEAs
Innovative Programs:
family literacy, and materials
$385,000,00   Formula grant from SEA Formula grant from SEA      
Improving Literacy Through School Libraries $12,500,000   Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary      
Technology Enhancing Education Through Technology $665,475,000   High Need LEA
50% formula, 50% competitive from SEA
High Need LEA
50% formula, 50% competitive from SEA
Community Technology Centers-FIE: $32,475,000 Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Foundation museum, library, community organization, higher education
Star Schools-FIE $27,520,000   Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership *Telecom.
Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership
Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership
*Partnership must include telecom. entity.
21st Century Learning Centers: technology $1,000,000,000   Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Other organizations
Professional Development Improving Teacher Quality Grants $2,850,000,000   Formula grant from SEA Formula grant from SEA      
Reading First $900,000,000   Only K-3:
Competitive grant from SEA
Only K-3:
Competitive grant from SEA
Enhancing Education through Technology: $175,000,000
(25% of Enhancing Education through Technology grants)
  High Need LEA 50% formula, 50% competitive from SEA High Need LEA 50% formula, 50% competitive from SEA      
Innovative Programs:
professional development
$385,000,000   Formula grant from SEA Formula grant from SEA      
Ready to Teach $12,000,000       Telecom. entity
Competitive grant from Secretary
Mathematics and Science Partnership*:
*Project must include
**may include
$12,500,000 **Competitive grant from Secretary *Must include High-need LEA and institute of higher ed. Competitive grant from Secretary *Must include High-need LEA and institute of higher ed. Competitive grant from Secretary **Competitive grant from Secretary **Competitive grant from Secretary * Must include Institute of higher education and high-need LEA. Competitive grant from Secretary
Teaching Traditional American History
*Project must include
**may include
$100,000,000   *Must include LEA Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership * Must include LEA Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership **History Organization Competitive grant from Secretary in partnership   *Partnership must include one of: institution of higher education; history organization, library or museum
Student Health and Safety 21st Century Learning Centers $1,000,000,000   Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Other organizations
Physical Education for Progress $50,000,000   Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Boys and Girls Clubs, Boy and Girl Scouts, YMCA /YWCA
Safe and Drug Free Schools State Grants $472,017,000   Up to 20% competitive grants from State, 80% formula Competitive grant from State Competitive grant from State Competitive grant from State Community Based Organizations
Safe and Drug Free Schools National Programs $134,000,000       Grant from Secretary Grant from Secretary Individuals
Alcohol Abuse Reduction $25,000,000   Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary      
School Dropout Prevention $10,000,000 Competitive grant from Secretary 6-12 Schools
Competitive grant from Secretary
6-12 Schools
Competitive grant from Secretary
Neglected and Delinquent Youth $48,000,000   Formula Grants from SEA Formula Grants from SEA      
Mentoring Programs $17,500,000   6-12 Schools
Competitive grant from Secretary
6-12 Schools
Competitive grant from Secretary
Competitive grant from Secretary   Partnership of an LEA and a non-profit
Elementary and Secondary School Counseling (FIE) $32,500,000   Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary      
Character Education (FIE) *Partnerships between categories in various combinations $25,000,000 Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership Competitive grant from Secretary to partnership   Institute of Higher Education
Extracurricular & Community Involvement Programs 21st Century Learning Centers $1,000,000,000   Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Competitive grant from SEA Consortia of LEAs and other organizations
Innovative Programs Block Grant $385,000,00   Formula grant from SEA Formula grant from SEA      
Parental Information and Resource Centers-FIE
*Project must include
**May include
$40,000,000   **Competitive grant from Secretary **Competitive grant from Secretary *Must include organization
Competitive grant from Secretary
  **Consortia of organizations and LEAs
Community Technology Centers $32,475,000 Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Foundation museum, library, community organization, higher education
Rural Schools Rural and Low-Income School Program $81,250,000   Competitive or Formula grant from SEA Competitive or Formula grant from SEA      
Small, Rural School Achievement Program $81,250,000   Formula grant from SEA Formula grant from SEA      
Community Technology Centers $32,475,000 Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary Foundation, museum, library, community orgs, higher education
Other Programs Foreign Language Assistance $14,000,000   Competitive grant from Secretary Competitive grant from Secretary      
Women's Education Equity $3,000,000       Competitive grant from Secretary   Student groups, community groups, indiv.

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1 Please refer to ESEA Reference Guide: Program Descriptions and Funding Levels for detailed descriptions of each programs and application criteria.
2 Actual funds available for new programs will be much less, please refer to ESEA Reference Guide: Program Descriptions and Funding Levels for details.
3 Actual funds available for new programs will be much less, please refer to ESEA Reference Guide: Program Descriptions and Funding Levels for details.