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Fort Scott National Historic Site
Virtual Resource Center

Welcome to the Virtual Resource Center. 

The staff at Fort Scott developed the virtual resource center in the spring of 2000 as a research aid to high school students who present programs to elementary students in grades K-4 during our "Life on the Frontier" program. The individual programs or stations convey various aspects of life at Fort Scott during the 1840s.

The materials in this center are taken from books and articles in the library at Fort Scott. The center is designed primarily for high school students, but may prove of value to other researchers as well. Each station has its own series of pages with the following links.

  • Overview: This is a general overview of each station. It includes a short introduction to the station and a brief description of the area where the program will be held. 
  • Program Outline: This includes the goals and objectives for each station. This is what we want to accomplish by presenting this program and what we want the student to be able to do after the program. Also included are suggested activities for each station.
  • Tools of the Trade: This is a list of props and clothing available for use or for reference during the program.
  • Regulations: This information is taken from the 1847 Army General Regulations. These are the specific rules and regulations related to your station that the soldiers and civilians were supposed to follow.
  • Historical Background: This section contains several pages of historical information related to each station.

Note to high school students: Your job as presenters is not to just repeat this information verbatim.  The information in this site gives you a good background for your presentation. Your job then is to take this information and to decide what information would be interesting to students in grades K-4 and to present this information in a way that will hold their interest.  Role playing, activities, games, etc. are all ways to hold student interest at the K-4 level. Suggested activities for each station are included in the program outline.

Click on one of the links to the right to go to an individual station


Dragoon Soldier at Fort Scott
Dragoon Soldier
Info for Dragoon Station
Infantry Soldier
Infantry Soldier
Info for Infantry Station
Officer's Wife
Officer's Wife
Info for Officers' Quarters Station
Laundress washing clothes 1840s style
Info on Laundress Station
A coyote in Kansas  

Did You Know?
During their free time, the officers enjoyed hunting. Captain Swords wrote "everybody here is hunting mad, hunting and dogs constitute their thoughts by day and dreams by night" Of another officer, Swords said that "wolf chasing and duck hunting" were the only things that reconciled him to the place

Last Updated: January 02, 2009 at 12:19 EST