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Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings talks to summit participants about No Child Left Behind and the positive impact it has made on education outcomes for Hispanic students Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008, at the White House Initiative's Summit Education Reform and Hispanic Education Attainment.

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White House Initiative Convenes Summit on Education Reform and Hispanic Education Attainment

On Sept. 11, 2008, The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans convened a one-day summit at the U.S. Department of Education. The Summit on Education Reform and Hispanic Education Attainment focused on the promising practices various White House Initiative partners and the Education Department are employing to improve education outcomes for Hispanic students. GO >

New White House Initiative Report Spans Seven Years of Activities and Accomplishments

To better inform its partners and constituents of the work of the office since its inception in January 2001, the White House Initiative released A Summary of Activities, Accomplishments and Hispanic Education Attainment: 2001-08 at its Sept. 11, 2008, Summit on Education Reform and Hispanic Education Attainment held at the U.S. Department of Education. The comprehensive report summarizes the activities conducted by the White House Initiative over the span of seven years. It also encompasses the work of the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans (the commission), as well as its recommendations and their implementation. GO >

Under Secretary of Education Sara Martinez Tucker Introduces College.Gov at White House Initiative Summit

As part of her welcoming remarks, Under Secretary Sara Martinez Tucker introduced a new U.S. Department of Education Web site——to attendees of the White House Initiative's Sept. 11, 2008, Summit on Education Reform and Hispanic Education Attainment. GO >

STEM Working Group Convenes at U.S. Department of Education

More than 20 education officials, White House Initiative partners, educators and representatives of national and regional Hispanic-serving organizations convened at the U.S. Department of Education on Sept. 12, 2008, to discuss innovations in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education for Hispanics and postsecondary degree attainment in those fields. GO >

Partnership for Hispanic Family Learning

Join the Partnership

An essential factor in the effort to increase educational attainment and to close the achievement gap for Hispanic Americans is family involvement. Learn More...

¡Bienvenidos! New Partners

  • Atlas Service Corps, Washington, D.C.
  • Center 4 Youth Development, Los Angeles, Calif.
  • ESOL Parent Leadership Council, Enoree, S.C.
  • Ivy League Project U.S.A., Parlier, Calif.
  • Louisiana Office of Public Health, New Orleans, La.
  • Memorial High School, Victoria, Texas
  • Powell Junior High School, Mesa, Ariz.
  • San Diego State University, San Diego, Calif.