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Basic Concepts in Environmental Sciences


How to Use Basic Concepts in Environmental Sciences as Reference Material
Web Page Layout and Navigation
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Welcome to the Home Page for APTI Basic Concepts in Environmental Sciences. This page contains some important information. It acquaints you with the page layout and features you will use to navigate your way through the reference material.

This page can serve as your link to all the modules (so bookmark it!). The directory in the left sidebar allows you to link directly to any module.

Important: You can return to this page from anywhere by clicking on the 'Basic Concepts in Environmental Sciences' link in the breadcrumbs, as described below.

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How to Use Basic Concepts in Environmental Sciences as Reference Material

This reference material consists of seven modules with each module composed of approximately ten lessons. It is designed to handle the needs of people who wish to proceed in a selective manner through the topics and lessons. The Webpage Layout and Navigation section below explains in greater detail how to find and navigate to the topics and lessons of interest to you.

The Practice Problems at the end of each lesson and the Review Exercises at the end of each module are self-assessment tools. The Review Exercises are generally more challenging than the lesson Practice Problems and are a good way to test your overall knowledge of the module's content.

Help with the content is available to you by e-mailing your questions to a contact person at the U.S. EPA. More information about this feature is provided below.

We appreciate your feedback. It is very important to us and enables us to serve your needs better. Comments about course design issues may be addressed to (shipman.dennis@epa.gov) .

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Web Page Layout and Navigation

The layout for the material is the same as for this page. The new template contains a number of features to help you navigate through the course. These navigational tools are located in different areas of your screen and offer similar functionality.

At the top of the page, directly under the title, you will find so-called "breadcrumbs" as shown below.

EPA Home > Education and Outreach > Basic Concepts in Environmental Sciences > Module Contents >
Module 1: Basic Concepts > Dimensional Calculations End Hierarchical Links

The "greater than" (>) symbol in the breadcrumb items indicates the progression of hierarchy in the web site. You can navigate back to previous levels by clicking on the links in the breadcrumbs. The last, non-linked, level indicates your current location. The breadcrumbs are available on every page. Please note that "EPA Home" and "Education and Outreach" are links to pages outside of the Basic Concepts training course.

On the left side of the screen you will find a navigational sidebar. The contents of the sidebar vary.

On the top level pages, such as this one, the sidebar contains a directory of the full contents of Basic Concepts. The links are found directly under the EPA logo and lead to "About the Course", Modules 1-7 and the "Appendices".

Within each module, the sidebar contains a directory of module lessons. If you wish to return to the full contents from one of these lessons, it is convenient to use the breadcrumb link to "Module Contents" described above or the "Full Contents" link described below.

On the module pages you will find an additional box on the right of your screen labelled "Features". These links lead to a number of aids to help you with work on the lessons, as described below. The "Quick Reference", "Glossary", and "Calculators" links activate an additional popup box containing the information. The remaining links lead to new pages.

  1. Quick Reference: displays a list of items such as conversion factors, numerical constants and symbols for easy lookup.
  2. Glossary: displays a list of glossary terms and definitions used in the modules
  3. Calculators: displays a list of all calculators from which you may select and display a specific calculator for your use.
  4. Help: a link to the Frequently Asked Questions.
  5. A-Z Index: displays the alphabetical list of topics covered in the modules.
  6. Full Contents: displays a list of all modules and lessons.

At the bottom of each page, you will find buttons with links to the previous page or lesson and the next page or lesson. The footer provides some general EPA links that may be of help, including "EPA Home", "Privacy and Security Notice" and "Contact Us".

The "Back" and "Forward" buttons on your browser can be used at any time. Please keep in mind that if you want to navigate backward or forward several steps the links provided in the breadcrumbs or sidebar may be quicker. For instance, if you would like to skip one or more lessons within a module, you may skip directly to the lesson of interest by selecting the appropriate link on the left sidebar.

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Ready to Start

To proceed, please select a module in the Table of Contents (in the left sidebar) or click on the "Module 1" button below.

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For comments or questions, contact Dennis Shipman

APTI Virtual Classroom

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