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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Location: Southeast Watershed Research

Project Number: 6602-12130-001-01
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: Sep 01, 2005
End Date: Feb 28, 2009

1)Develop optimized novel clay-based CRFs of herbicides that reduce leaching; 2) Compare CRF efficacy and field and laboratory leaching and dissipation rates to conventional formulations in cotton and peanuts under conventional and reduced tillage management; and 3)Conduct simulations of the environmental fate of CRF and conventional formulations using models widely used to assess water quality risks of pesticide use.

Optimized CRFs of metolachlor, and sulfentrazone will be prepared. These compounds provide effective control of many problematic weeds; however, conventional formulations present leaching risks. The CRFs will be tested for herbicidal activity in greenhouse studies and leaching, adsorption-desoption and bio-degradation coupled with cyclic soil wetting and drying will be studied in laboratory. Weed control efficacy and runoff, leaching and dissipation rates of CRFs and conventional formulations will be compared during cotton and peanut production under reduced-tillage management in large scale field studies. Finally, environmental fate data will be evaluated using simulation models so that water quality risks of the CRF and conventional forms of the herbicides can be quantitatively compared.


Project Team
Potter, Thomas - Tom
Strickland, Timothy - Tim
Bosch, David
Truman, Clinton - Clint
Webster, Theodore - Ted
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2007
  FY 2006
Related National Programs
  Soil Resource Management (202)
Last Modified: 10/20/2008
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