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AACC Office of International Programs and Services

AACC Trip to China (October 17-25, 2008)
AACC's trip to China in October will be led by President George Boggs and Judy Irwin, Director of International Programs and Services. The Fall 2008 trip is designed to promote understanding and encourage partnerships between AACC member colleges and Chinese Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) institutions.   The trip is open to AACC presidents and senior administrators (i.e., provosts, vice presidents, deans) and will begin with a conference in Beijing from Friday, October 17 through Monday, October 20 (requiring an Oct. 15 departure from the U.S.). The optional post-Beijing trip will be arranged to visit potential partner vocational and technical institutions from October 21-25, 2008. Click here for more information.
NEW - Fulbright Program in Russia for Community College Faculty is a program developed specifically for community colleges. Open to PhDs or MAs with substantial teaching experience.  Subject fields are: TEFL methodology and teacher training; health care, including nursing (community, gerontology, social services, and in-service training), dental hygiene, and physical therapy; computer and information sciences; economics; natural resource management; tourism and hotel management; human resource management; and adult/continuing education.  Length of grant: 3 -10 months. Starting date:  September 2009 or February 2010 for one-semester grants; September 2009 for academic year grants. Grantees will be affiliated with institutions in Russia interested in the community college model. For more information, click here or contact CIES Assistant Director Muriel Joffe at mjoffe@cies.iie.org or 202-686-6249. Application deadline is October 1, 2008.

SAVE THE DATE - 6th Annual Community College Toolkit for International Recruitment, co-sponsored by AACC and The College Board, is scheduled for February 16-17, 2009, in Atlanta. Registration materials coming soon! For more information or to express interest email
or jirwin@aacc.nche.edu.

SAVE THE DATE - 2nd Annual Study Abroad and Community Colleges Workshop, co-sponsored by AACC and the Institute of International Education (IIE), is scheduled for March 18, 2009, at the IIE offices in New York City, and will be held in conjunction with IIE's 4th Annual Best Practices Conference held on March 19. For more information about the conferences, click here.

Recruiting International Students - As part of an effort to enhance global education, AACC's recruitment initiative has tremendous potential for your college. Join a delegation of community colleges collaborating to increase international student enrollment at their campuses by participating in International Recruitment Fairs in Asia, Latin America, or Europe. See Community College Times articles.

-- AACC ACCT Joint Statement on the Role of Community Colleges in International Education (Adobe PDF) 

-- VISA ISSUES:  AACC continues to work with Maura Harty, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, on visa issues.  Click Here for her response to AACC's report on visa concerns

-- View the AACC Board of Directors Resolution in Support of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.The United Nations has declared a Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). As part of the U.S. higher education response, AACC and the Association of University Leadership for a Sustainable Future (ULSF) have formed a new partnership to promote activities about education for sustainable development among AACC member institutions and affiliated councils. For more information on sustainable development and how you can get involved go to www.uspartnership.org and  www.ulsf.org or contact Dr. Debra Rowe at dgrowe@oaklandcc.edu.  Click here to view a sustainable development PowerPoint presentation.

-- Peace Corps and AACC Initiative - The Peace Corps and the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) have embarked on a groundbreaking initiative that will increase opportunities for licensed nurses, trained Information Technology (IT) experts and other specially trained Americans to share their skills by touching the lives of men, women and children around the globe. View Resolution for AACC Board of Directors – Partnership with the Peace Corps

About AACC International Programs and Services:

The American Association of Community Colleges actively advocates an international role for community colleges in all dimensions of worldwide education and training.  Community colleges increasingly play a critical role to ensure that individuals can function successfully in a multicultural and advanced technological environment that crosses all boundaries of education, communications, language and business.  Further, there is increasing support that other countries are reflecting a heightened interest in adopting the community college model.

The goals of AACC's Office of International Programs and Services are to advocate the community college role in global education among key constituencies, nationally and internationally, to advance global exchanges and partnerships between member colleges and international entities, and to promote intercultural understanding and engagement among students, faculty, staff, and decision makers. These activities are accomplished through:

  • showcasing U.S. community colleges abroad at meetings, workshops, seminars   
  • assisting colleges to recruit international students   
  • providing training programs   
  • developing overseas opportunities for senior administrators   
  • disseminating information about funding and exchange prospects   
  • maintaining close working relationships with U.S. federal agencies, other higher education associations, both domestically and abroad, and entities involved in global education activities


**Publications on "Global Awareness" available for purchase through AACC's Bookstore.**

International Programs and Services Staff:

Judith T. Irwin
Director of International Programs and Services
One Dupont Circle, NW Suite 410
Washington, DC 20036-1176
(202) 728-0200 ext. 233

Wayne Wheeler
International Programs and Services
One Dupont Circle, NW Suite 410
Washington, DC 20036-1176
(202) 728-0200 ext. 250

Copyright © 2006 American Association of Community Colleges   
One Dupont circle, NW Washington, DC 20036 (Phone) 202-728-0200 (fax) 202-833-2467

Other AACC Affiliated Web Sites
www.achievingthedream.org | www.aaccarchives.org | www.pathwaystotechnology.org
www.communitycollegeusa.com | www.pathtocollege.org | www.ccleadership.org