[Federal Register: August 1, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 147)]
[Page 42065-42067]
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Recognition of Accrediting Agencies, State Agencies for the 
Approval of Public Postsecondary Vocational Education

AGENCY: National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and 
Integrity, Department of Education (The Advisory Committee).

What Is the Purpose of This Notice?

    The purpose of this notice is to invite written comments on 
accrediting agencies and State approval agencies whose applications to 
the Secretary for renewed recognition, requests for an expansion of the 
scope of recognition, or reports will be reviewed at the Advisory 
Committee meeting to be held on December 17-19, 2007, in the Mt. Vernon 
Rooms A and B at The Madison, 1177 15th Street, NW., Washington, DC 
20005, telephone: 202-862-1600.

Where Should I Submit My Comments?

    Please submit your written comments by mail, fax, or e-mail no 
later than August 31, 2007 to Ms. Robin Greathouse, Accreditation and 
State Liaison. You may contact her at the U.S. Department of Education, 
Room 7126, MS 8509, 1990 K Street, NW., Washington, DC 20006, 
telephone: (202) 219-7011, fax: (202) 219-7005, or e-mail: 
Robin.Greathouse@ed.gov. Individuals who use a telecommunications 

device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay 
Service at 1-800-877-8339.

What is the Authority for the Advisory Committee?

    The National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and 
Integrity is established under Section 114 of the Higher Education Act 
(HEA), as amended, 20 U.S.C. Sec.  1011c. One of the purposes of the 
Advisory Committee is to advise the Secretary of Education on the 
recognition of accrediting agencies and State approval agencies.

Will This Be My Only Opportunity to Submit Written Comments?

    Yes, this notice announces the only opportunity you will have to 
submit written comments. However, a subsequent Federal Register notice 
will announce the meeting and invite individuals and/or groups to 
submit requests to make oral presentations before the Advisory 
Committee on the agencies that the Committee will review. That notice, 
however, does not offer a second opportunity to submit written 

What Happens to the Comments That I Submit?

    We will review your comments, in response to this notice, as part 
of our evaluation of the agencies' compliance with Section 496 of the 
Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and the Secretary's Criteria 
for Recognition of Accrediting Agencies and State Approval Agencies. 
The Criteria are regulations found in 34 CFR part 602 (for accrediting 
agencies) and in 34 CFR part 603 (for State approval agencies) and are 
found at the following site:

    We will also include your comments with the staff analyses we 
present to the Advisory Committee at its December 2007 meeting. 
Therefore, in order for us to give full consideration to your comments, 
it is important that we receive them by (August 31, 2007. In all 
instances, your comments about agencies seeking continued recognition 
and/or an expansion of an agency's scope of recognition must relate to 
the Criteria for Recognition. In addition, your comments for any agency 
whose interim report is scheduled for review must relate to the issues 
raised and the Criteria for Recognition cited in the Secretary's letter 
that requested the interim report.

What Happens to Comments Received After the Deadline?

    We will review any comments received after the deadline. If such 
comments, upon investigation, reveal that the accrediting agency or 
State approval agency is not acting in accordance with the Criteria for 
Recognition, we will take action either before or after the meeting, as 

What Agencies Will the Advisory Committee Review at the Meeting?

    The Secretary of Education recognizes accrediting agencies and 
State approval agencies for public postsecondary vocational education 
and nurse education if the Secretary determines that they meet the 
Criteria for Recognition. Recognition means that the Secretary 
considers the agency to be a reliable authority as to the quality of 
education offered by institutions or programs it accredits that are 
encompassed within the scope of recognition she grants to the agency.
    The following agencies will be reviewed during the December 2007 
meeting of the Advisory Committee:

Nationally Recognized Accrediting Agencies

Petition for Renewal of Recognition That Includes a Contraction of the 
Scope of Recognition

    1. American Optometric Association, Accreditation Council on 
Optometric Education (Current scope of recognition: The accreditation 
in the United States of professional optometric degree programs, 
optometric technician (associate degree) programs, and optometric 
residency programs and for the preaccreditation categories of 
Preliminary Approval and Reasonable Assurance for professional 

[[Page 42066]]

degree programs and Candidacy Pending for optometric residency programs 
in Veterans' Administration facilities.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation in the United 
States of professional optometric degree programs, optometric 
technician (associate degree) programs, and optometric residency 
programs and for the preaccreditation categories of Preliminary 
Approval for professional optometric degree programs and Candidacy 
Pending for optometric residency programs in Department of Veterans' 
Affairs facilities.)

Petitions for Renewal of Recognition That Include an Expansion of the 
Scope of Recognition

    1. National Association of Schools of Art and Design, Commission on 
Accreditation (Current scope of recognition: The accreditation 
throughout the United States of institutions and units within 
institutions offering degree-granting and non-degree-granting programs 
in art and design and art and design-related disciplines.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation throughout the 
United States of free-standing institutions and units offering art/
design and art/design-related programs (both degree- and non-degree-
granting) including those offered via distance education.)
    2. National Association of Schools of Dance, Commission on 
Accreditation (Current scope of recognition: The accreditation 
throughout the United States of institutions and units within 
institutions offering degree-granting and non-degree-granting programs 
in dance and dance-related disciplines.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation throughout the 
United States of free-standing institutions and units offering dance 
and dance-related programs (both degree- and non-degree-granting) 
including those offered via distance education.)
    3. National Association of Schools of Music, Commission on 
Accreditation, Commission on Community/Junior College Accreditation 
(Current scope of recognition: The accreditation throughout the United 
States of institutions and units within institutions offering degree-
granting programs in music and music-related disciplines, including 
community/junior colleges and independent degree-granting and non-
degree-granting institutions.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation throughout the 
United States of free-standing institutions and units offering music 
and music-related programs (both degree- and non-degree-granting) 
including those offered via distance education.)
    4. National Association of Schools of Theatre, Commission on 
Accreditation (Current scope of recognition: The accreditation 
throughout the United States of institutions and units within 
institutions offering degree-granting and non-degree-granting programs 
in theatre and theatre-related disciplines.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation throughout the 
United States of free-standing institutions and units offering theatre 
and theatre-related programs (both degree- and non-degree-granting) 
including those offered via distance education.)
    5. New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on 
Institutions of Higher Education (Current scope of recognition: The 
accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidacy status'') of 
institutions of higher education in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, 
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont that award bachelor's, 
master's, and/or doctoral degrees and associate degree-granting 
institutions in those states that include degrees in liberal arts or 
general studies among their offerings, including the accreditation of 
programs offered via distance education within these institutions. This 
recognition extends to the Board of Trustees of the Association jointly 
with the Commission for decisions involving preaccreditation, initial 
accreditation, and adverse actions.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation and 
preaccreditation (``Candidacy status'') of institutions of higher 
education in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode 
Island, and Vermont that award associate's, bachelor's, master's, and/
or doctoral degrees, including the accreditation of programs offered 
via distance education within these institutions. This recognition 
extends to the Board of Trustees of the Association jointly with the 
Commission for decisions involving preaccreditation, initial 
accreditation, and adverse actions.)
    6. North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher 
Learning Commission (Current scope of recognition: The accreditation 
and preaccreditation (``Candidate for Accreditation'') of degree-
granting institutions of higher education in Arizona, Arkansas, 
Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, 
Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South 
Dakota, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, including schools of the 
Navajo Nation and the accreditation of programs offered via distance 
education within these institutions. This recognition extends to the 
Institutional Actions Committee jointly with the Board of Trustees of 
the Commission for decisions on cases for continued accreditation or 
reaffirmation, and continued candidacy. This recognition also extends 
to the Review Committee of the Accreditation Review Council jointly 
with the Board of Trustees of the Commission for decisions on cases for 
continued accreditation or candidacy and for initial candidacy or 
initial accreditation when there is a consensus decision by the Review 
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation and 
preaccreditation (``Candidate for Accreditation'') of degree-granting 
institutions of higher education in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, 
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, 
Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, West 
Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, including the tribal institutions and 
the accreditation of programs offered via distance education within 
these institutions. This recognition extends to the Institutional 
Actions Committee jointly with the Board of Trustees of the Commission 
for decisions on cases for continued accreditation or reaffirmation, 
and continued candidacy. This recognition also extends to the Review 
Committee of the Accreditation Review Council jointly with the Board of 
Trustees of the Commission for decisions on cases for continued 
accreditation or candidacy and for initial candidacy or initial 
accreditation when there is a consensus decision by the Review 

Petitions for Renewal of Recognition

    1. Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training 
(Current scope of recognition: The accreditation of institutions of 
higher education throughout the United States that offer non-collegiate 
continuing education programs and those that offer occupational 
associate degree programs and those that offer such programs via 
distance education.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation throughout the 
United States of institutions of higher education that offer continuing 
education coursework and vocational programs that confer certificates 
or occupational associate degrees, including those programs offered via 
distance education.)
    2. American Academy for Liberal Education (Current and requested 
scope of recognition: The accreditation and

[[Page 42067]]

preaccreditation (``Candidacy for Accreditation'') of institutions of 
higher education and programs within institutions of higher education 
throughout the United States that offer liberal arts degree(s) at the 
baccalaureate level or a documented equivalency.)
    3. Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (Current and requested 
scope of recognition: The accreditation and preaccreditation throughout 
the United States of direct-entry midwifery educational institutions 
and programs conferring degrees and certificates, including the 
accreditation of such programs offered via distance education.)
    4. Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (Current scope 
of recognition: The accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidacy 
status'') of postsecondary educational institutions in Alaska, Idaho, 
Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington and the accreditation of 
such programs offered via distance education within these 
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation and 
preaccreditation (``Candidacy status'') of postsecondary degree-
granting educational institutions in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, 
Oregon, Utah, and Washington and the accreditation of such programs 
offered via distance education within these institutions.)
    5. Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting 
Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (Current scope of 
recognition: The accreditation and preaccreditation (``Candidate for 
Accreditation'') of community and junior colleges located in 
California, Hawaii, the United States territories of Guam and American 
Samoa, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Republic of the 
Marshall Islands, and the accreditation of such programs offered via 
distance education at these colleges.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation and 
preaccreditation (``Candidate for Accreditation'') of two-year, 
Associate degree granting institutions located in California, Hawaii, 
the United States territories of Guam and American Samoa, the Republic 
of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the 
Northern Mariana Islands, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and 
the accreditation of such programs offered via distance education at 
these colleges.)
    Interim Reports (An interim report is a follow-up report on an 
accrediting agency's compliance with specific criteria for 
    1. Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools.
    2. Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.
    3. American College of Nurse-Midwives, Division of Accreditation
    4. The Council on Chiropractic Education, Commission on 
    5. National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and 
    6. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on 

Interim Report With a Request for an Expansion of Scope

    1. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology 
(Current scope of recognition: The accreditation of educational 
programs in radiography, including magnetic resonance, radiation 
therapy, and medical dosimetry, at the certificate, associate, and 
baccalaureate levels.)
    (Requested scope of recognition: The accreditation of educational 
programs in radiography, magnetic resonance, radiation therapy, and 
medical dosimetry, including those offered via distance education, at 
the certificate, associate, and baccalaureate levels.)

State Agency Recognized for the Approval of Public Postsecondary 
Vocational Education

Petition for Renewal of Recognition

    1. Puerto Rico State Agency for the Approval of Public 
Postsecondary Vocational, Technical Institutions and Programs

Federal Agency Seeking Degree-Granting Authority

    In accordance with the Federal policy governing the granting of 
academic degrees by Federal agencies (approved by a letter from the 
Director, Bureau of the Budget, to the Secretary, Health, Education, 
and Welfare, dated December 23, 1954), the Secretary is required to 
establish a review committee to advise the Secretary concerning any 
legislation that may be proposed that would authorize the granting of 
degrees by a Federal agency. The review committee forwards its 
recommendation concerning a Federal agency's proposed degree-granting 
authority to the Secretary, who then forwards the committee's 
recommendation and the Secretary's recommendation to the Office of 
Management and Budget for review and transmittal to the Congress. The 
Secretary uses the Advisory Committee as the review committee required 
for this purpose. Accordingly, the Advisory Committee will review the 
following institution at this meeting:

Proposed Master's Degree-Granting Authority

    1. United States Naval Test Pilot School, Patuxent River, Maryland 
(request to award a Master's of Science in Flight Test Engineering 

Where Can I Inspect Petitions and Third-Party Comments Before and After 
the Meeting?

    All petitions and those third-party comments received in advance of 
the meeting will be available for public inspection at the U.S. 
Department of Education, Room 7126, MS 8509, 1990 K Street, NW., 
Washington, DC 20006, telephone (202) 219-7011 between the hours of 8 
a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday, until November 19, 2007. They 
will be available again after the December 17-19, 2007 Advisory 
Committee meeting. An appointment must be made in advance of such 

How May I Obtain Electronic Access to This Document?

    You may view this document, as well as all other Department of 
Education documents published in the Federal Register, in text or Adobe 
Portable Document Format (PDF) on the Internet at the following site: 
http://www.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister. To use PDF you must have 
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free at this site. If you have 
questions about using PDF, call the U.S. Government Printing Office 
(GPO), toll free, at 1-888-293-6498; or in the Washington, DC, area at 
(202) 512-1530.

    Note: The official version of this document is the document 
published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the 
official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal 
Regulations is available on GPO Access at: 

    Authority: 5 U.S.C. Appendix 2.

    Dated: July 26, 2007.
James F. Manning,
Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Postsecondary Education.
 [FR Doc. E7-14912 Filed 7-31-07; 8:45 am]