Office for Victims of Crime--Putting Victims First Rural Victim Assistance--A Victim/Witness Guide for Rural Prosecutors OJP seal
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Rural Community Dynamics
Victim/Witness Assistance in Rural Communities
Overcoming Challenges to Serving Rural Victims
Promising Practices in Rural Prosecutors' Offices
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The Rural Victim Assistance guide is a publication from the American Prosecutors Research Institute (APRI) that focuses on the challenges of providing victim assistance in rural areas. The guide is designed to help prosecutors and victim assistance specialists develop ideas for providing better services to victims in their area. We are especially thankful to the many prosecutors and victim/witness coordinators across the country who provided us with their knowledge and expertise, particularly staff in the "promising practices" jurisdictions. Their efforts have rendered a comprehensive publication for rural prosecutors' offices.

In addition, we sincerely appreciate the guidance of APRI's Rural Victim Assistance Advisory Group:

Jeanette Adkins, Victim/Witness Director, Greene County, Ohio, Prosecutor's Office

Trudy Gregorie, Director, Justice Solutions, Washington, D.C.

Jill Hargrove, Victim Assistance Coordinator, Bell County, Texas

Rick Malone, Executive Director, Prosecuting Attorneys Council of Georgia

Josh Marquis, District Attorney, Clatsop County, Oregon

Kevin Meenan, Prosecutor, Casper, Wyoming & Former President,
   National District Attorneys Association

Morna Murray, Executive Director, Victims' Assistance Legal Organization (VALOR)

Scott Teter, Assistant Attorney General in Charge, Child Support
    Collections Division, Lansing, Michigan

Marlene Young, National Organization of Victim Assistance

The Rural Victim Assistance guide was developed with support from the Office for Victims of Crime at the U.S. Department of Justice. We want to express our gratitude to OVC and our grant monitors, Michelle Weston and Joye Frost, for their support of this project.

Finally, we'd like to recognize the contributions of the following APRI staff:

Elaine Nugent, Director, Office of Research & Evaluation
Andrea Gentile, Research Analyst
Stephanie Muller, Victim Advocate
Rebekah Finkey, Former Research Analyst


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This document was last updated on June 26, 2008