U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans
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School Information Partnership Website (January 29, 2004)
Secretary Paige and Eli Broad view the new School Information Partnership Website, which offers information about schools, school districts, and states -- information parents can use to make good decisions about their children's education.
Secretary Paige and Eli Broad view the new School Information Partnership Website, which offers information about schools, school districts, and states—information parents can use to make good decisions about their children's education.

Secretary Paige and Eli Broad view the new School Information Partnership Website, which offers information about schools, school districts, and states -- information parents can use to make good decisions about their children's education. Secretary Paige and Eli Broad view the new School Information Partnership Website, which offers information about schools, school districts, and states -- information parents can use to make good decisions about their children's education.


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