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IDEA: Special Education Personnel Preparation - FY 2007

CFDA Number: 84.325 - Special Education Personnel Preparation to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities

Program Goal: To prepare service providers and leadership personnel in areas of critical need who are qualified to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.

Objective 1 of 3: Improve the curricula of IDEA training programs to ensure that personnel preparing to serve children with disabilities are knowledgeable and skilled in practices that reflect the current knowledge base.
Indicator 1.1 of 2: EVIDENCE-BASED CURRICULUM: The percentage of projects incorporating evidence-based curriculum.
Measure 1.1.1 of 1: The percentage of Personnel Preparation projects incorporating evidence-based curriculum.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: Researcher/expert panel review of a sample of program curricula.

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: October 2006
Explanation: The FY 2006 target is to establish a baseline.
Indicator 1.2 of 2: KNOWLEDGEABLE AND SKILLED SCHOLARS: The percentage of scholars who are knowledgeable and skilled in evidence-based practices.
Measure 1.2.1 of 1: The percentage of IDEA funded scholars who are knowledgeable and skilled in evidence-based practices.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: Sample of scholars.

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: October 2006
Explanation: The FY 2006 target is to establish a baseline.
Objective 2 of 3: Increase the supply of teachers and service providers who are highly qualified for and serve in positions for which they are trained.
Indicator 2.1 of 4: SCHOLARS EXITING PROGRAM: The percentage of scholars who exit training programs prior to completion due to poor academic performance.
Measure 2.1.1 of 1: The percentage of IDEA funded scholars who exit training programs prior to completion due to poor academic performance.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: IDEA - Part D- Personnel Preparation Annual Data Report.

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: October 2005
Explanation: The FY 2005 target was to establish a baseline.
Indicator 2.2 of 4: EMPLOYED UPON COMPLETION: The percentage of degree/certification program recipients employed upon program completion who are working in the area(s) in which they were trained.
Measure 2.2.1 of 1: The percentage of IDEA funded degree/certification program recipients employed upon program completion who are working in the area(s) in which they were trained.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: IDEA- Part D - Personnel Preparation Annual Data Report.

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: August 2006
Explanation: No FY 2004 data were collected.
Indicator 2.3 of 4: EMPLOYED AND FULLY QUALIFIED UNDER IDEA: The percentage of degree/certification recipients employed upon program completion who are working in the area(s) in which they were trained and who are fully qualified under IDEA.
Measure 2.3.1 of 1: The percentage of IDEA funded degree/certification recipients employed upon program completion who are working in the area(s) for which they were trained and who are fully qualified under IDEA.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: IDEA- Part D - Personnel Preparation Annual Data Report.

Frequency: Annually.

Next Data Available: October 2006
Explanation: The FY 2006 target is to establish a baseline.
Indicator 2.4 of 4: EMPLOYED FOR THREE OR MORE YEARS: The percentage of degree/ certification recipients who maintain employment for three or more years in the area(s) in which they were trained and who are fully qualified under IDEA.
Measure 2.4.1 of 1: The percentage of IDEA funded degree/certification recipients who maintain employment for three or more years in the area(s) in which they were trained and who are fully qualified under IDEA.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: Sample of scholars in the field - post completion.

Frequency: Other.

Next Data Available: October 2008
Explanation: This is a new measure. The FY 2008 target is to establish a baseline. Baseline data will reflect scholars who have taught for a minimum of three years beyond program completion in the areas for which they were trained. Therefore these data will not be reported until FY 2008.
Objective 3 of 3: The Personnel Preparation Program will ensure an adequate supply of personnel who are fully qualified under IDEA to serve infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. (Long-term objective. Target areas: assessment, literacy, behavior, instructional strategies, early intervention, and inclusive practices)
Indicator 3.1 of 1: QUALIFIED LOW INCIDENCE PERSONNEL: The percentage of low incidence positions that are filled by personnel who are fully qualified under IDEA.
Measure 3.1.1 of 1: The percentage of low incidence positions that are filled by personnel who are fully qualified under IDEA.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Source: IDEA - Part D - Personnel Preparation Annual Data Report
Explanation: This is a new measure for 2007. The FY 2007 target is to establish the baseline.

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Last Modified: 01/27/2006