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Department of Transportation
photo: aerial view of airport buildings and runways with large, snow-covered mountain in background

Looking south over King County International Airport toward Mount Rainier

Airport advisories

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King County International Airport/Boeing Field

King County International Airport—also known as Boeing Field—is one of the busiest primary non-hub airports in the nation. Located just five miles south of downtown Seattle, it averages more than 300,000 operations (takeoffs and landings) each year. In 2001, it was selected by the National Air Transportation Association as one of the “100 Most Needed Airports” in the United States. It is financed by airport tenants’ and customers’ fees, and receives no general tax revenues.

Boeing Field ranks among the most successful public investments in state history. It delivers over $1.6 billion in state and local taxes, and provides jobs to the more than 3,900 people who work at its 150 tenant businesses.

The airport serves small commercial passenger airlines, cargo carriers, private aircraft owners, helicopters, corporate jets, and military and other aircraft. It is also home to the Boeing Company’s 737 aircraft flight-test program, along with other Boeing operations. The Museum of Flight is located there, with its wide variety of aircraft and exhibits showcasing aviation history. It is frequently host to celebrities and dignitaries—including the President of the United States—who prefer Boeing Field because of its proximity to downtown Seattle and other commercial areas.

Last update: October 21, 2008

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