TRANSMITTAL SHEET NFIP REPETITIVE LOSS (RL) UPDATE WORKSHEETS PLEASE NOTE: WE CANNOT APPROVE YOUR AW-501 RL UPDATE WORKSHEETS, UNLESS YOU RETURN THIS SIGNED DOCUMENT. Contact Information: Please provide the following information should we need to contact your community for more information to approve your updates. Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Phone: ____________Fax: E-mail: _______________________________________ Community Name: ___________________________________ Community ID:________________________________ Please, indicate the number of RL Update Worksheets you are submitting for this update! _________ Please check all that apply ? We have returned new updated worksheets OR ones that previously did not have the necessary Mitigation Action/Funding codes. ? We have attached documentation to support our updates for Building Removal and Flood Protection Provided. ? Mitigation Action/funding codes have been provided, as appropriate. ? We have described the steps taken to locate any properties that we were unable to identify from the Information provided. We have retained copies of all the worksheets we submitted. UPDATES AUTHORIZED BY: (THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY A COMMUNITY OFFICIAL) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____ PRINT NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE MAIL YOUR UPDATED RL WORKSHEETS AND THIS RL TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: NFIP REPETITVE LOSS UPDATES c/o Ms. Sherry Harper, AICP, CFM Insurance Services Office, Inc. 2382 Susan Drive Crestview, FL 32536