
SY 2008-09 Non-XML File Specifications

  • N002 — Children With Disabilities (IDEA) School Age v5.0 download files Word
  • N028 — Computer v5.0 download files Word
  • N033 — Free Reduced Price Lunch v5.0 download files Word
  • N046 — LEP Program v5.0 download files Word
  • N052 — Membership v5.0 download files Word
  • N059 — Staff FTE v5.0 download files Word
  • N063 — Teacher Quality in Elementary Classes v5.0 download files Word
  • N064 — Teacher Quality in Core Secondary Classes v5.0 download files Word
  • N070 — Special ED Teachers v5.0 download files Word
  • N071 — Personnel Skilled in Technology (Headcount) v5.0 download files Word
  • N089 — Children w Disab Early Childhood v5.0 download files Word
  • N099 — Special ED Personnel v5.0 download files Word
  • N112 — Special ED Paraprofessionals v5.0 download files Word
  • N129 — CCD School v5.0 download files Word
  • N130 — NCLB Status v5.0 download files Word

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Last Modified: 10/22/2008

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No Child Left Behind
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